If you want to learn about how legal child abuse can be, I suggest the book 'Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment' by Janet Heimlich (Amazon link for those who want to read a summary https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Their-Will-Religious-Maltreatment/dp/161614405X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1479866917&sr=1-1&keywords=breaking+their+will ). I highly recommend this book, it's eye opening and infuriating.
Let's be clear. Even one unnecessary death is too many.
In Breaking their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment, Janet Heimlich states:
"The procedure of male circumcision becomes even more difficult to justify when one considers the many risks associated with the procedure. While many doctors remain confident that the risks are very rare, studies do not definitively confirm this. In fact, findings are all over the map, with purported complication rates ranging from .02 percent to 55 percent.85 John Harkins says an ACOG committee opinion from 2001 states that the rate of complications due to circumcision is low; however, the opinion also states that the actual rate is not known.
Meanwhile, the risks can be serious and even life-threatening. They include hemorrhaging, amputation of the glans, acute renal failure, life-threatening sepsis, local infection, surgical trauma, urinary tract infections, bacteremia, and meatal inflammation.86 One study shows that circumcision causes an ulceration of the urethral opening in 20 to 50 percent of circumcised infants, which can cause discomfort and pain during urination and requires surgery.87 Meatal stenosis, a restriction of the urinary opening that often causes penile discomfort and pain and can require surgery to correct, is believed to possibly be the most common complication of neonatal circumcision.88
While many believe that death due to circumcision is exceedingly rare—a 1982 study estimates that the death rate is 1 in 500,00089—a recent study shows that death is, indeed, a factor to be considered. The 2010 study conducted by private researcher Dan Bollinger finds that approximately 1 of every 77 male neonatal deaths are due to circumcision in the United States each year—a total of about 117 deaths, which is more than neonatal deaths due to problems that have gained much greater attention, such as a mother's use of addictive drugs and sudden infant death syndrome in the first month of life. Because circumcision is almost always an..."
I couldn't copy more because I'm using a kindle book, and there's a limit. Sorry. The point is that it's specifically recommended against now by national medical societies, and there is a risk. Always.