I use the Buffalo USB snes controller. I got it off Amazon for around 10 bucks. Feels like I'm playing with an original snes controller.
Edit: Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad for PC https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_yh-Eyb9KR28PQ
Looks like its 18 now. Still worth it in my opinion.
For SNES I always use this controller. It feels true to the original and it just feels right using a retro controller such as this on the SNES. There are cheaper options for similar products on Amazon, but the one I linked has lasted me longer than the alternatives.
Hope that's formatted okay--on mobile.
Well forget about nes controller, they are chinese cheap shit to me, i've bought before and some button werent working OK and the Dpad was not even doing diagonal.I just ordered two buffalo snes controller on amazon because of that . Here is the link of you havent heard about: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469220881&sr=8-1&keywords=buffalo+snes
I've never used the 8bitdo, but I have this Buffalo SNES controller, and I've been pretty disappointed by it. The buttons don't feel great and the D-pad feels kinda blocky, as a result I've only ever really used it for a couple of games. It's also the only SNES controller I have so I don't have any positive recommendations to make.
The Buffalo one is really well reviewed on Amazon though, so maybe it's just me?
TBH, you're mostly better getting some good emulators and a classic USB (or two) controller like this: http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E (great for nes, snes, sega)
But there are some games (apart from Sonic titles) like Duck Tales Remastered, Sega Classics series, Mickey's Castle of Illusion, Bionic Commando Rearmed, which is a remake of the original Bionic Commando. The Sega Classics are nice but controller support is spotty, no achievements and you're basically just paying for an emulated game with less features than an actual emulator you could download for free.
For very obvious reasons you won't really find any Nintendo exclusive titles on Steam.
If you're looking for just classic games in general here are a few more suggestions: Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded, Space Quest Collection, King's Quest Collection, Another World, Duck Tales Remastered, Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy, Psychonauts, Max Payne, Bioshock series, Fallout series, Star Wars Republic Commando, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1&2, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Baldur's Gate 1&2, Beyond Good and Evil, Sega Classics series, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Doom series, Duke Nukem 3D, Final Fantasy VII, Heretic, Hexen, Quake series, Soul Reaver/Legacy of Kain series, Mortal Kombat Kollection, Painkiller series, Serious Sam series, Shadow Warrior Classic, Elder Scrolls series, Unreal Tournament series, Vulture for Nethack and the aforementioned Worms series...just to name a few.
I have this one, but I bought it years ago to play SNES games on my MacBook and I didn’t pay more than $15. Buffalo iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad for PC https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_cKEkFbANS8Z0E there are plenty on there, just look around.
Maybe you've just had bad luck or there's interference with some of the controllers? I've had the older "iBuffalo" version (BGSP801) for a couple of years, and haven't run into any problems with the D-pad.
https://www.amazon.ca/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-Gamepad-BSGP801GY/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1532202406&sr=8-5&keywords=snes+controller+usb&dpID=41VLGq2L0EL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch This controller is awesome. Used it with my younger cousins, and still held up after 2 years.
The hardware can be as cheap as a USB gamepad for console games, but for DOS games, you've probably got the hardware (just a keyboard and mouse). I set up DOSBOX on RetroPie so that my kids (who were studying the real-life Oregon Trail in school) could play the early 80's DOS game Oregon Trail.
My controller doesn't seem to work properly in this version.
At the main menu - when I press down on the D-pad the save game selector moves down, but as soon as I release the D-pad it jumps back up.
I'm using the iBuffalo classic USB gamepad: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002B9XB0E
oh ive had experience with them before. I used gameboy emulator which was the best because gameboy only has like 3 controls so its perfect for pc. The only issues with snes emulator is the controls for it. I guess https://www.amazon.com/BUFFALO-2145487-Classic-USB-Gamepad/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1506522240&sr=8-4&keywords=snes+controller
this would suffice. Yes you're right about saving anywhere. Especially games like contra....
Been running Mi Box (Android 7.0 beta since March) with RetoArch 1.6.0 and it runs great, NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. There is an Android bug with browsing folders which is fixed in the nightlies, but no issue with a USB SNES controller:
Also PS3/PS4 controllers work but not as authentic in feel so don't really use them.
I ordered this one (https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-Gamepad-BSGP801GY/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=pd_sim_147_5?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B002B9XB0E&pd_rd_r=Y5YDSB555AHQ95JCWJE6&pd_rd_w=2VFop&pd_rd_wg=sRE4T&psc=1&refRID=Y5YDSB555AHQ95JCWJE6) and I've never had any problems with it.
I use this. High quality and very similar to the original SNES controller in feel. Careful, there are a lot of cheapos that look similar to the original SNES but will not last you very long.
Don't buy cheap ass SNES controllers, buy the only good one that is as good as an original Nintendo SNES controller: The iBuffallo SNES controller
If they're going pi0 they'll also need an adapter w/ usb hub. For simplicity I would just go with a pi3 and avoid needing to buy the extra adapters.
pi0 $5.37 if you're lucky enough to have a microcenter locally
controllers I wouldn't go cheap on them
That alone puts you at a minimum of $20 plus adapters for micro - usb for a hub(which hasn't even been accounted for yet), mini hdmi-hdmi, and a power cable.
edit: spelling r tuff
I'm from Canada as well and paid around $21.00 each earlier this month.
I just received them and played some Killer Instinct to try them and I was able to perform all my combos without any issue.
You can use the ones you have, or just buy the controllers you want.
Easy one lots of people use: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_4?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1482002551&sr=1-4&keywords=snes+controller
Isn't a Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad the same thing and cheaper?
Yup instead of this I plugged in a USB controller and it detected it and I set it up that way. This is the one I'm using: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/
RetroArch is working great overall but I have noticed some input lag, more than usual, gonna mess with settings and try and improve it. Also the NES emulator Nestopia crashes, so using Femu instead, works well.
Came highly recommended on Amazon and it's supposed to work with Retropie no problems. It is a hell of a nice gamepad, so I would rather get it to work than try another one. Like I said, I will probably try the whole thing again soon.
I believe PS3/PS4 controllers require root along with the Sixaxis Controller app to run.
A more basic controller like this runs out of the box with an USB/OTG hub, I've used it quite a bit with RetroArch on my Galaxy S6: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/
It works fine out of the box on Android, set it up on both my GS6 and my Nexus Player... with a keyboard you need to use the arrow keys and z/x as back/enter keys. Then plug in a compatible controller. I used these: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ You might have to change some settings in Input with your controller a bit. Make sure you're connecting it with an OTG compatible USB hub.
So I recently bought a Wetek Hub box which I use for watching my movies and TV shows which I want to set up to play old video games. What I'd like to do is plug in a USB SNES controller like this https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1472228823&sr=8-2&keywords=snes+controller+usb#Ask
What I'm trying to do is figure out how to back out of a game and the emulator with only the controller. Is this possible?
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
Speed Booster isn't too tricky to find, I'll try to be vague not to ruin the fun of exploration and just say to keep bombing walls and moving DOWN and LEFT. When in doubt, bomb everything, use the minimap, and the way will be clear. You should get the Speed Booster only minutes of going down and left after the Spazer Beam.
Says its imported from Japan on amazon, but i guess it could be made in china. Don't remember since i no longer have the box.
You can always get an adapter for for OG snes controller but im okay with this gamepad since it works as well as my OG snes controllers imo. Seems lots of people on amazon agree. http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
I highly recommend this controller for emulating NES and SNES (I also used for Genesis). You can find this controller for much cheaper than $35: http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462077116&sr=8-1&keywords=buffalo+snes
The correct config settings for this controller are:
input_player1_joypad_index = "0" input_player1_b_btn = "1" input_player1_y_btn = "3" input_player1_select_btn = "6" input_player1_start_btn = "7" input_player1_up_axis = "-1" input_player1_down_axis = "+1" input_player1_left_axis = "-0" input_player1_right_axis = "+0" input_player1_a_btn = "0" input_player1_x_btn = "2" input_player1_l_btn = "4" input_player1_r_btn = "5" input_player2_joypad_index = "1" input_player2_b_btn = "1" input_player2_y_btn = "3" input_player2_select_btn = "6" input_player2_start_btn = "7" input_player2_up_axis = "-1" input_player2_down_axis = "+1" input_player2_left_axis = "-0" input_player2_right_axis = "+0" input_player2_a_btn = "0" input_player2_x_btn = "2" input_player2_l_btn = "4" input_player2_r_btn = "5" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6" input_exit_emulator_btn = "7"
To set up two of these ibuffalo controllers with Emulation Station do the following:
1) Press F4 while in Emulation Station
2) Type startx
3) Using file manager navigate to opt/retropie/configs/all
4) Double click retroarch.cfg
5) Scroll down to the bottom of the document until you see code without #'s in front of it.
6) Replace the code with the settings above.
7) Save file
8) Log out of the GUI
9) Type emulationstation press enter
10) Enjoy!
I have a raspberry pi 3. It would definitely work for atari. If you do go this route, buy a case/powersupply and microsd card - There are package deals. I grabbed one with a cheap case, power supply, preloaded SD card and spare HDMI cable for $60.
As for controllers, a simple Nintendo controller like http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
or an Xbox/Playstation style controller for more variety.
The setup process for retropie is pretty easy, but I did have one issue that required some under the hood tinkering (button maps, start was also mapped to quit emulator, was annoying to figure out). Theres a bit of a learning curve if you do run into problems, but most things are explained pretty well online in videos.
So, assuming you buy a package and 2 controllers, you should make out under $100 shipped.
I've got mine doing NES/SNES/PSP/PSX/N64(somegames)/SEGA for the moment, using an external drive for all the roms/isos.
I personally have a few of These Buffalo SFC controllers, I didn't even know about that wireless one. How do the buttons feel? I have a different brand controller at one point that had horrible buttons, and the Buffalo ones are nice.
I use an iBuffalo SNES controller for NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, and NDS games. it works for pretty much everything Nintendo.
If you plan on doing any gaming through emulators using OpenEmu, I'd highly recommend getting the Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad. It feels almost like a genuine Super Famicom controller and holds up quite well. It might also be available as the iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad.
The 8Bitdo controllers are amazing in-hand. The D-pad feels tight and responsive, and the buttons are click-y. We were able to play a few hours worth of Street Fighter Alpha 2 and DKC without any problems.
However, the software takes some research depending on your set-up; none of this information can be found on their website or instructions:
I had to Pair up my controllers with the Code 0000, otherwise my controllers would not auto-connect to the Bluetooth Adapter.
I have to hold down Start+R to put it into Joystick mode, otherwise, both controllers will bind to the same keyboard arrow keys (So Player 1 can mode Player 1&2, and Player 2 can move Player 1&2 at the same time)
I have to turn on both controllers for them to be recognized in Retroarch, even while playing a 1-player game. Not sure how to fix this one yet, but I'm glad it still works.
As far as the Buffalo controller goes, it feels almost the same. I would give it soaring reviews, but the Y Button ended up not working out of the box, so I can't recommend the controller based on that. I seem to be the minority on having issues with that controller though. And it's only $11 bucks
If you play/emulate a lot on PC, I'd really reccomend a Buffalo SNES USB gamepad.
Most Nintendo-recreated controllers are average to crappy, but this one holds up incredibly well and has great durability and reviews. I love it better than even the Wii/Wii U controllers because of the larger D-Pad size and grooves in the D-Pad, which keep my thumbs from sliding off like they do on the smaller D-Pads Nintendo's put out lately.
This thing is surprisingly decent. Shape feels pretty good, solid D-Pad, and the face buttons are nice. The triggers aren't perfect, but overall I can't complain too much about it at all.
Yes, even with overclocking the Pi won't handle PSX and N64 perfectly. I don't emulate those systems because I'm using an old model B so I can't really tell you much about specific performance, but I have heard that Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart work.
It gives you a warning about potentially voiding your warranty. I've tried overclocking both of my Pis and the older one can't handle anything above Medium without getting unstable (freezes and crashes), the Pi 2 I haven't really tried an overclock over Medium but it works fine at that setting. It kind of depends on your Pi, some can handle the highest default overclock with no issues.
It appears that English isn't your first language, so I'm not sure what you mean by "family controller". I use the Buffalo SNES controller, as do many other people, and it works great.
I'm using the default theme and the console-stripe splash screen. I didn't look into themes very much, though, I just wanted the cool splash screen.
Follow the wiki, it's super informative.
As someone that prefers D-Pad, I actually use this controller: http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E.
The buttons are switched around a bit by default, but I actually prefer the new configuration. The Turbo/Clear buttons don't seem to do anything.
Of course, I'm just a filthy silver.
When you say 'acquired', am I correct in guessing that you found them or inherited them because it seemed like a good idea at the time? ;)
First, do those controllers have the top buttons across the edge of the controller as the Super Nintendo controllers have? If not, these controllers are not worth poop except for NES.
If they DO have the shoulder buttons, I'd say buy a single adapter to see if the controllers work in the first place. If they do, then buy 3 more.
If they do NOT have the shoulder buttons, simple ones like these are cheap and very reliable: http://smile.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1444754822&sr=8-1&keywords=snes+buffalo
I have an Xbox 360 controller, and I used that most of the time. But for some of the old NES/SNES games, it just feels too bulky..
I like to switch to this thing and it does a good job for me.
But yeah, I'm pretty sure I did Super Metroid with the 360 (On Vista at the time!)
To be honest, if you think the controls on emulated games are unenjoyable then I don't see why they would work better on a touch screen only device with virtual buttons. Touch based games like TWEWY and new games made for iOS have come up with decent solutions but I wouldn't recommend the classics.
For those, I'd say it's absolutely worth $10-15 for one of these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002B9XB0E/
I don't have an actual SNES controller, but I have used them before. I can recommend this USB gamepad as being very similar feeling to the SNES gamepad. and before you ask about the colors, that's the Japanese color scheme. I've had it since November, running on a dedicated emulation box, and it's still working just fine. And even if it breaks, its cheap.
The iBuffalo controller is extremely well made, I got one a while back, and its good for emulation, as long as the system doesn't need analog sticks, and for some indie games. Plus it only costs $11, plus shipping, at Amazon, so its already cheaper than some adapters and the price of a SNES controller.
Also, this is just for me, the Buffalo controller really does feel a lot like the SNES controller, not exactly, but pretty darn close for a third party USB controller.
Really, I think this debate comes to whether you had an SNES or not as kid/teen. Personally, I didn't have an SNES, so the minor difference in the controllers isn't a huge issue for me, but from what I've seen from others, it is a bigger issue.
Oh, and here's the amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
Stop trying to teach her on newer games. Newer games tend to have a lot of complex mechanics that make learning the fundamentals of playing games somewhat difficult. I assume you are describing Rayman Legends... which actually has a lot of fairly elaborate moves your character can do and it isn't shy to make you rely on them.
Set her up with an emulator, a simple gamepad (http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1434404933&sr=8-7&keywords=pc+gamepad), and throw her at some more approachable games. The Super Mario All-stars versions of SMB1 and SMB3 are good for teaching universal gaming fundamentals while also not being too likely to turn a kid off due to being too ugly to look at. SMB is especially useful for early on because it forces the player to move forward.
After she gets a basic handle for that, she can move on to something like Mega Man 2 which is a little more unforgiving, but still probably the most approachable Mega Man game. Sonic (Sonic 2 is probably the most approachable) might be a good fit because those games tend to be easy and can be played entirely with one button and the d-pad, but they do involve a little more understanding of motion than simply running and jumping.
You can also try remakes of older games. There's the Duck Tales remake by Capcom (it's still rather hard though) and Castle of Illusion which is an old Mickey Mouse platformer.
Aside the real deals, iBuffalo isn't too bad if you are looking for a cheap SNES model. I don't have any problem with the controller. Also, for a dual analog controller, I use a Logitec 310. You can get a straight up usb adapter as well.
I have one of the Buffalo Classic Gamepads and it's pretty much identical to the original apart from a few cosmetic changes. But more importantly it feels like the real thing. Worth trying for the paltry sum it costs to get hold of one.
For the games I play, I prefer the classic snes controller... not to mention its also much cheaper.
Either Sony needs to make a knockoff, or just give this controller some basic driver functions. http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411829728&sr=8-1&keywords=snes+retro+usb
A throwback that could be used on all the indie games, for me specifically Mercenary Kings. I would buy a 30-40$ Sony licensed copy of that controller for those types of games. The nostalgia of having the old school controller would be a delight.
There is no way that Sony allows this Wiiwand to work on PS4, but I'm sure some hackers will find some fun in it for PC Emulation of the Wii. Still not sure why the Ds4 is needed..
You can buy controllers that are almost identical in feel to the original SNES & NES controllers fairly cheaply off of Amazon.
I have this SNES USB wired controller, and there are wireless versions of the SNES, NES, and N64 controllers.
I like for usb version: amazon for bluetooth: also amazon
I use Buffalo iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad for PC. I like them pretty well.
Buy a Pi 3, they're cheap. You can get a kit easy on Amazon for about 50 bucks, should come with a case, a couple of small heat syncs, power cord, and a micro sd card. Pick up a cheap HDMI cord if you don't already have one. Then go to the retro pie website and just follow the instructions. As long as you're slightly computer literate, you should have no issues getting it going. Once retro pie is installed, ROMs are easily added by dragging and dropping into the appropriate folder.
You'll want a controller (obviously), I suggest either a wired one like this or you can even use a BlueTooth controller, this is the one I use. Setting up the bluetooth controllers just takes an extra step to connect within the menu, not hard to do, the wired one should be plug and play.
My experience with Buffalo was their first run produced back in I believe 2012, which sold very well for retailers due to the Raspberry Pi, and prompted Buffalo to produce more. I believe the old one is THIS listing for Amazon UK. I bought two of those and have one with ghost inputs.
Ghost inputs are where an input randomly fires off during use or is acting like it is being held down. I'm not talking about the auto-fire here, as I understand how to turn that off.
THIS one should be the new model. Also, remember to check it when it arrives if you order it to make sure you were sent the new production.
I use this one from iBuffalo
What controller are you using? Some controllers like the IBuffalo SNES have a turbo function that can be assigned to certain buttons
^ This is Porkchop's MiSTer Input Latency list. It should be EVERY controller player's personal bible. While this was done on the MiSTer with an arduino tester at 1ms polling . . . it will translate quite well to PC (Windows 10 uses 1ms polling on USB). It is even a great judge for console plebs with their silly debates regarding superiority.
If you go there and look under "Ranking (Wired)" the iBuffalo Classic: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad/dp/B002B9XB0E is the absolute best latency out of any controller with a 95.86% same frame probability. I have two of these and swear by them if you only need a d-pad. The common complaint on them is they "feel cheap". Which I cannot deny. But after an hour or two of playing with them; you simply don't notice it.
Now, knowing what you told me about the Wii U Pro controller being your bees knees and looking at the chart . . . I would probably recommend a PS5 Dualsense controller in wired mode: https://www.amazon.com/PlayStation-DualSense-Wireless-Controller-Midnight-5/dp/B08FC6C75Y. It actually has the best same frame probability out of any out of any modern dual analog stick controller. Coming in at an impressive 89.15% The former king of modern dual analog sticks was the Xbox 360 at 83.17%.
TL:DR: Get a PS5 Controller
Yeah they should work. But i personally would go with the Turbo controllers. They have a better feel and I can couch for them personally. I have bought some other SNES knock offs and the buttons protrude to much, the body is like a brick. If you want the real feel look for these - https://www.amazon.ca/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-Gamepad-BSGP801GY/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_38?dchild=1&keywords=snes+usb+controller&qid=1628074578&sr=8-38
https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad/dp/B002B9XB0E -- this is what I use and like and would recommend if it was priced like it used to be (under 20). Now I would get one of the 8bitdo snes-like controllers.
According to Wikipedia's entry, "(FF 3) had not been released outside Japan until a remake was developed by Matrix Software for the Nintendo DS on August 24, 2006." The screenshot from the DS remake makes it look like the evil lovechild of particularly cutesy anime and the "Precious Moments" dolls/figures my elderly aunt used to be obsessed with.
Emulators are just programs you can download that open the individual games (called "roms"). One good option for playing GameBoy Advance games is mGBA. (I can't link directly to a place that provides the games, but a Google search for "Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls rom" will direct you to some places you can download it.)
You can play games in emulators using either the keyboard or a USB gamepad. I use an iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad, which has served me really well for 2.5 years of fairly heavy use. You pretty much just plug the gamepad in, start the emulator, and maybe go into the settings/options screen to tell it which buttons to use.
I have one of these, which I used for a Retro Pi and it works well:
The buffalo SNES one is fantastic IMO.
Yea you can use 2 players with emulators, even 4 players.
These are a bit expensive but I have 2 of them for all the "classic" gaming stuff: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-Gamepad-BSGP801GY/dp/B002B9XB0E/
Hands down best USB SNES pad I've ever used. The D-Pad is amazing.
Même pas https://www.amazon.fr/Buffalo-iBuffalo-Classic-PC-BSGP801GY/dp/B002B9XB0E ?
Bon, elles a bien augmenté depuis ma commande.
Honestly, I'd just get one of these and get an emulator. I've used it a fair amount, and it compares quite favorably to a real SNES controller.
pour l'emulation qui merde, c'est plus coté PSX, Gamecube ou N64, j'ai jamais eu un seul probleme avec un jeu NES ou SNES, pour les manettes, Buffalo c'est le top !
Yeah, I picked up this one. I hope it doesn't take weeks to arrive like some people are saying. If so I'll just use my ps3 controller in the mean time.
These are high quality.
From what I've heard, Nestopia is one of the best NES emulators, and it's got a Mac version.
As for controller, the iBuffalo SNES controller is my go-to for NES, SNES, DS and GBA. (And sometimes DPad-only PSP games). It has the added benefit of having the best DPad I've ever felt on a controller :)
I got it for about £12, but it seems the price has risen a bit because of the demand. If Amazon aren't doing it for less than 15, check some other sites.
Friendly warning, asking for the name of sites with roms is against the subreddit rules, so I advise you remove that question from your post. Posting links to such sites or the ROMs/BIOS themselves on the subreddit is also against the rules.
Follow that guide. Several emulators are included with the RetroPie image by default, and any others you find that you need later can be installed within the RetroPie Setup Menu.
As for controllers, some people like these
but their price has been all over the place due to low supply, high demand, or sellers just realizing they can increase the price and people will still pay.
I can't attest to any other controllers, though someone else will probably give you better recommendations. You'll want a controller with analogue sticks if you plan to play PS1 or N64; I wouldn't advise getting your hopes too high with N64 though due to the fact that the Pi3 can't run N64 perfectly. Not sure if there are any other consoles that the Pi3 can emulate that need analogue sticks.
As for pitfalls...
You might want to get a case with a fan so you can overclock, though people mostly do that when they are trying to make N64 closer to playable, but I've seen some people say it does help push a few problematic SNES and PSX games to 100% speed. I couldn't stand the noise of the fan though and am waiting on a jumper cable pack from eBay so that I can under-volt the fan with the 3.3v pin 1.
A USB 3.0 card reader is another nice thing to have, if you have a PC with a USB 3.0 port that is. Backups take a fifth of the time they took compared to my USB 2.0 card reader.
I use a on/off switch as well, after properly shutting the Pi3 down and waiting ten seconds for all the shutdown stuff to complete of course. You don't want to be yanking the USB power out of the Pi3 because of port wear and unplugging from the outlet isn't very easy to do for most. You could always just leave it on all the time like many other people do and I get a lighting bolt (low power) alert for two seconds at boot during my custom startup video due to the one I posted below. Guess I'll see how it affects overclocking later.
That controller works great with retropie for reference.
https://www.amazon.ca/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1491667102&sr=8-2&keyword I have this controller and in my opinion, the best usb controller out there. If you dont mind paying extra.
Use two keyboards? Or better yet, of you can get your hands on two game controllers. Buffalo makes pretty solid USB SNES controllers that are my favourite for Nidhogg.
Buffalo SNES-style video game controller:
ja čekam priliku da uzmem ovo https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/
> https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
I ordered mine on the 8th and it was supposed to arrive today, but due to weather it will be arriving tomorrow. I plan on using it with a portable RPI that I am making
Where did you order it from? This is the same controller, right? https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
I've actually made a few RetroPie rigs. I use these controllers and they work beautifully.
Maybe it's just Buffalo. Swear I've seen it as iBuffalo too. Here's a link to the one I'm talking about.
The Mi Box is only $69 and brand new so it's a pretty good way to go: http://www.mi.com/en/mibox/
Android works with USB controllers out of the box, I'm using these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002B9XB0E/
So I setup the Mi Box with RetroArch with NES, SNES, Genesis, Arcade, etc. and all the games have thumbnails. It's also nice to have 4K output along with Kodi, Chromecast, Netflix, HBO Go, etc. all in one little box. The only downside, as with most emulation, is a tiny bit of input lag, so unfortunately games like Mario the timing is a bit off. The RetroArch project has made strides recently reducing this and will continue to improve I imagine.
This is the one I'm using: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/
Works perfect with RetroArch, and a few other games/emulators I've thrown at it.
Its this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B002B9XB0E/
I've found that one of the best cheap clone is the SNES controller made by Buffalo. There are others but I'm satisfied with it.
I've got one of these, works great
Use mine for snes, nes, ps1,gba and genesis i use this controller.
Yeah, I bought one of these four or five years back and it works great. I use it for a lot of emulation stuff.
I also played AM2R on it.
Alors j'utilise celles la qui marchent sans aucune config:
(style SNES) https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002B9XB0E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
(style PS2) https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00CJAF3ME/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
A la rigueur, je pourrais te faire un dump de la carte sd, ca irais encore plus vite pour les jeux.
Curious if Keyboards would work too. Also, perfect reason to pick up one of these, curious if it works: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=23OXRYFR5G1JY&coliid=I16LGPFC0C4728
I use this and I am very happy with it, feels sturdy like an original SNES controller. https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
Do you have the same gamepad? There is a similar one on amazon which works already: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
I bought off of Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002B9XB0E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Shipped from the US.
Yea the replica controller will be nice but I've always found this to be near perfect and has USB support so works on PC/Android/etc.: https://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
Do these controllers mentioned above work with Emulation Station? amazon
If you care about "serious" gaming on a Mac, make absolutely sure you get a model with a dedicated GPU. I have a 2015 13" rMBP with Iris 6100 graphics and I can generally run games like Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 at 720p with low to mid settings at 30-40 fps. You'll get slightly better performance in Windows and much better performance with a dedicated GPU. If you play less demanding games, integrated is fine. I play a lot of 2D stuff like platformers, roguelikes, etc and I don't have trouble.
Some other things to note...
Many Mac games are "ported" using a custom Wine wrapper which means they're running through a translation layer. This hurts performance a little and makes them buggier and less stable.
Apple's OpenGL implementation is crap. This and the Wine ports thing above account for the performance difference between macOS and Windows on the same hardware.
If you opt for Boot Camp, it uses a LOT of disk space and requires you to reboot into Windows to play games. Plan accordingly when you decide how large of an SSD you're getting, since it can be difficult/impossible to upgrade later.
Check the system requirements for Mac for Steam games. Unlike PC, they're actually reasonably accurate due to there being less variety in Mac hardware. You can also sometimes find Youtube videos of people benchmarking Mac games on the exact hardware you're buying.
Gaming usually implies a mouse and/or gamepad. Be careful with these as they often don't have the same level of driver support as Windows. I have a Logitech G502 mouse and an Xbox 360 controller and they work well, I've also heard that Dual Shock 4s work well.
If you play older games using emulators, check out OpenEmu. All the cores run well on my Macbook. I use a replica SNES pad and it works perfectly on Mac, as should most simple gamepads or adapters.
Some of the games I enjoy on my Macbook: Axiom Verge, Darkest Dungeon, FTL, Minecraft, Prison Architect, Shovel Knight, Stardew Valley
Related resources:
If you don't have access to a 3D printer here are 2 options for printing services:
Controllers that I have tested:
This has been said before, but the Buffalo snes pad is really really good. As good as the original as far as I can remember.
if you want something that is authentic feeling --> http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463756714&sr=8-1&keywords=ibuffalo
I own 2 and they are amazing
You need a usb controller, like This. Emulation station itself will not consider a keyboard a controller.
Ive seen great reviews on this and gonna pick this up for myself soon for all my classic gaming needs.
I think the iBuffalo SNES USB controller is pretty good for a 3rd party controller
This is the best USB SNES controller. I use it for steam; it's amazing.
Are you talking about this one http://www.amazon.ca/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E ? I'm interested to know if a controller that costs 15$ is actually good.
I got this for around $10.
I got this for around $10.
Well, it depends.
What parts of the kit won't you use?
The kits are value if you will use all of it.
What will you need?
E.g. here is what I needed:
HDMI cable
Ethernet Cable
3pcs copper heatsink
Case & fan
Power Supply
32gb microSD card class10 and a sd to microsd adapter
And an antistatic band.
http://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Complete-Original-Preloaded/dp/B008XVAVAW/ is the kit I would recommend
Remember, you can get most things from ebay, except don't get the pi, power supply or sd card from there.
Depending on the number of buttons you need, also give this a shot.
Works for emulation and Raspberry Pi.
Can I use something like the iBuffalo?
Buffalo USB controllers. I found them though Amazon,, though I paid a bit more since I'm in Canada. Linked the US version, and I'm sure they'll have them in other countries too.
I'm using this SNES USB controller
This + OTG adapter should work without root as long as you're running a recent version of Android:
What about this? This has a lot of good reviews. http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=pd_sim_vg_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=01VZ2MXPX80KHT095R8Z
I use a couple of the Buffalo USB controllers. They feel, look, and work great.
Nice. Perfect for emulators!
Been looking at getting this one for myself: http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-PC/dp/B002B9XB0E
Buffalo usb snes controller not working for switch? Just plugged it in the switch and it's not working any idea?
This one: https://www.amazon.de/Buffalo-Classic-USB-Gamepad-Japan/dp/B002B9XB0E
I had NES, Genesis, snes, n64, Saturn, Xbox, ps2 onward.
They are bought and sold there same as any collector item. Nothing special about the market friend.
All these consoles are old with worn controllers. The consoles are almost non playable on HDTVs. The game memory saves are sometimes on dead batteries. The consoles all need to be hooked up individually. There are so many problems you're overlooking. Emulators are superior in almost every way. You're living in nostalgia.
Here's what I play with. Buffalo Classic USB Gamepad for PC https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002B9XB0E/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_c1CHxb0YHHJZ3. It's literally a brand new snes controller. You play on HDTV with resolution to match and then enable post processing effects.
I'm not at all a PC enthusiast, but it's objectively better in every way except for nostalgia.
Like others have said, it HAS to be a wired controller or you need an appropriate dongle for it. If you have to ship him something though May I suggest this?
Am I the only one who has no problem with an Xbox D-Pad? Maybe it's all those years playing Tony Hawk using the D-pad on the Gamecube. Although I have thought of buying one of these.