He really is great. He based some of his stuff on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Myth, Metaphor, and Morality by Mark Field. Never read the book but might be worth.
Dusted the podcast and now Still Pretty has pretty good analysis as well although there were some... domestic issues due to one of the hosts which might sour you to listening.
Hi everyone. Excited to dig in. Before I do I first wanted to mention a couple people.
The channel's spectacular opening credits for both Buffy and Angel were designed by a gentleman named Asad Manzoor. Check out his youtube channel.
Music for the channel this season is being composed by an incredibly talented man named Wil Hughes. Go and have a listen. His stuff is wonderful.
Lastly the channel would not exist without the wonderful book, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Myth, Metaphor, and Morality by Mark Field. It's 99 cents on Amazon. A DOLLAR.
All right. Going to pour a coffee. Brb.
lol you really are a hypocrite.
You demand that all other people on this sub stop talking about their interpretations of the show's meaning because you don't like it when shows get all political. Then you accuse me of being the one who excludes other viewpoints.
You say I'm "making ridiculous assumptions about you," when all I did was restate what you've already said in this thread. Meanwhile you make wild assumptions about me.
You say you're "open to all perspectives" but the only reason you're having this argument is to shut down all perspectives on the meaning of the show because you explicitly want to depoliticize art.
And lastly, your silly little agenda to depoliticize all art is part of a political movement. Which is pretty hilarious that you don't realize.
You're right that people don't see you as a rational person, just a cliché joke. A seething, angry little person who wants to shut down the voices of their political opposition and claim to be apolitical while doing it. As I've already pointed out, this is so cliché that we've been joking about you for years.
You said you want to unsub from this place? Well do it already. You won't be missed. We'll still be here enjoying the show, analyzing the show, writing academic articles about the show, publishing journals about the show, writing books about the show, and enjoying a lively discussion about it's meaning. And your sad little screeching is not going to stop us :)
https://slate.com/culture/2012/06/pop-culture-studies-why-do-academics-study-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-more-than-the-wire-the-matrix-alien-and-the-simpsons.html From 2012 - almost a decade after the show was off the air. While I can't find anything more recent I think it will suffice. There are also numerous books about Buffy that you can find on Amazon that explore the thematic, structural, and philosophical aspects of Buffy. https://smile.amazon.com/Buffy-Vampire-Slayer-Metaphor-Morality-ebook/dp/B00BKPAJI2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3R8N3NZ7CFQ62&keywords=buffy+the+vampire+slayer+myth%2C+metaphor+%26+morality&qid=1577578747&sprefix=Buffy+myth+me%2Caps%2C258&sr=8-1 This one is more of a general overview of those topics but it's interesting enough.
I agree that you don't have to share that opinion but... its kind of like me saying 'I was with you up until you mention Lord of the Rings, gah those books make me want to stab my eyes out.' Generally speaking I try and recognize when something is widely recognized as being culturally significant, resonant, etc. Which I think Buffy qualifies as.
Quick note: I picked up the e-book for Myth, Metaphor, and Morality (the one that PotN uses) and it makes for interesting reading. It's cheap enough, but if you don't want to spring for it, a lot of it comes from this site.