Oh man I didn't know that came in pen form. I came here to recommend Birchwood Casey's aluminum black restorer but the pen version looks super convenient.
Looks like he used birch wood Casey’s aluminum black. I used their touch up pen and mine came out pretty similar! Here’s the link below to the product.
I used Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black Stain.
Originally I wanted just the rim done, but the completionist in me wanted to get the whole outside done.
Things I learnt when doing this. Don't just dab it on, I personaly borrowed an electric sander and sanded the aluminum (The stain doesn't soak in very easily if you don't)
Be prepared for a lot of time for a consistent black. I ended up pouring the whole thing into a glass food dish, and submerged the sides one by one, slowly rotating the aluminum while watching a movie.
Have a thick mask or two, the smell is rank, and it gives off some gases. Be in a well ventilated area, or a fan to blow around some fresh air. Have liquid proof gloves, and plenty of paper towel or fabric you don't care about keeping.
You'll start to 'peel' off micro layers of aluminum, and I found more movement helped speed up the process, as well as spot sanding any missed aluminum bits. Keep going, wash off every so often with cold tap water.
I goofed and didn't realize that this black look oxidizes quite fast, so I should have gotten gun oil or motor oil. Vaseline did the trick, and I did just a quick coating all over to stop the oxidizing from occuring. Worked perfectly.
TLDR; Sand down the outer coating of the aluminum you are staining, Mask up, Glove up for liquids, pour stain into glass basin, dunk in solution and just keep it rotating as it does it's thing. Wash off with cold tap water every now and then. Have a movie or something ready, it's a patient process for metal this large. When happy with the turnout, prepare a gunoil, motor oil or Vaseline to stop oxidizing (quite rapid if not done).
BW Casey Aluminum Black Touch-Up. Its a matte black metal finish. Lots of gun smiths use it to blacken metal parts. Works wonders on white letters. It won't get rid of the bright white letters but it'll mute it greatly.
A lot of people recommending a bluing pen… please don’t use a bluing pen. That’s for steel surfaces. Use something like Aluminum Black. It will work much better on you aluminum upper receiver.
Thanks for the reply.
I've tried a bunch of different combinations of screw tightness, nothing works. I've contacted Comp-Tac, so we'll see what they say.
This model has an aluminum frame, so I ordered some Aluminum Black Touch-Up this morning.
Aluminum Black will do it. Small/fine paint brush, put a little glassy film on, put it in the sun, after it has been warm in the sun for a bit, wide off the excess. Brand new again. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002JCW2CG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It's it properly in both sides and the catch works call it done.
Don't worry about the scratches. It won't corrode. It's likely 6061 or 7075 neither are at much of a risk of corrosion. Really the scratches are only cosmetic. If you want to make it look better you can cerakote it which. But you need to strip it down and send it out, is a baked on ceramic paint. If it's black anodized you can use BW Casey Aluminum Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002JCW2CG to cover up the scratches.
I picked up the lower from a local store. Runner Runner Guns. I think the lower is a pretty common. Similar to other glock lowers. If you do gibbz beware of anti rotation tabs on some handguards. I had to dremel a chunk off around the side charger. This stuff is pretty kick ass for masking dings and dremeled aluminum. Matched the anodizing on the aero perfect.
I know someone who uses the bigger bottle of the pen you ordered to touch up some scuffs on his rifle. Seems to do the job for him, i just leave the scuffs and wear on my AR/SBR alone, i like the wear marks.
It's happening to my graphite too. I'm probably going to purchase some Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black from Amazon soon to touch up the fading. It really sucks that Canadian carriers aren't selling anything other than the graphite, because the aluminum is damn sexy and hides scratches better.
I have a black knife too and I thought I was ok with distressing but turns out I'm not. This stuff works awesome to restore the black, looks brand new!
Looks good... when I did some aging... the best results I got were from using this product- Solo's Hold does a tutorial on youtube and that's what they use.
Aluminum Black on the holosun will turn that silver aluminum pretty dark. I've used it on logo, SN, and the arrows by the dials. Just dab it with a q-tip.
Thank me later:
BW Casey Aluminum Black Touch-Up... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002JCW2CG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I did mar a few at the beginning but I used https://www.amazon.com/BW-Casey-Aluminum-Black-Touch-Up/dp/B002JCW2CG to cover up any scrapes. I've done hundreds now so two wacks with a hammer and it's in no problems.
Well said. And one would be amazed what a little aluminum black will do.https://www.amazon.com/BW-Casey-Aluminum-Black-Touch-Up/dp/B002JCW2CG
Use this for aluminum:
Just fyi. If you don't like in your face branding, you can get some Aluminum Black and darken the Holosun logo and serial. I've used it on 2 holosuns and my trl7a.
Aluminum Black on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/BW-Casey-Aluminum-Black-Touch-Up-3-Oz/dp/B002JCW2CG/ref=cm\_wl\_huc\_item
No problem! And this is the stuff you want to black out the white Holosun logos.
BW Casey Aluminum Black Touch-Up 3 Oz https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B002JCW2CG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GEQ9Q82YCSERBWYH42JA
No problem man. Here’s the link to the bottle of BirchWood Casey Aluminum Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002JCW2CG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J0K9RVWV7DJX9JMHK1Q5
Nice! Get this for your rear sight https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002JCW2CG/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o02\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Would something like this help? BW Casey Aluminum Black Touch-Up 3 Oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002JCW2CG
Can always try this:
BW Casey Aluminum Black Touch-Up 3 Oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002JCW2CG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_Ad16FbAC9RB70?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This stuff is the shit lol
Should fix it close to perfect
You can use Casey Aluminum Black. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002JCW2CG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
No it’s a liquid. Link and it’s $8 with prime.
Probably Aluminum Black.
Aluminum does not rust...also if you scratch the finish off the lower you can use this to touch it up.
how it looks and works https://youtu.be/mXFZQlmIQ7s?t=2m15s
These lowers are also back in stock and 39.99 each with 9 bucks shipping http://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-stealth-lower.html
Never tried it personally, but maybe something like this would work well for you.
KAK Micro, if it'll fit inside your handguard:
Alternatively, I frequently use:
along with: https://www.amazon.com/BW-Casey-Aluminum-Black-Touch-Up/dp/B002JCW2CG