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get yourself a used copy of c primer plus on amazon and type up and experiment with the examples. You'll be coding in no time : )
O C Primer Plus é um bom livro. Pega no Jetbrains CLion através do Student Pack deles e num compilador genérico tipo gcc (não precisas de mais para aprender) e diverte-te.
Mais tarde podes pegar em C++ e começar a usar Visual Studio e MSVC.
Programming in C (new edition coming around the new year) (incomplete, but still better than K&R for modern times)
I learned from The Waite Group's "C Primer Plus"
Here is the latest edition:
I think mine was the first or second edition it was back in 1987 when I learned C. Microsoft C, Turbo C, Quick C are what we learned back then and for DOS.
Second this. While K&R is always recommended, I use this book as my main C reference:
C Primer Plus by Stephen Prata.