Just turn them on even while plugged it to get much better sound. You'll have to buy a 3.5 cable with a built it mic if you want to chat. I use this one. https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?dchild=1&keywords=inline+mic&qid=1610454975&sr=8-15
I had the Platinums, which are said to be very similar to the Pulses. I returned them and bought the XM3s. Even though you have to run them wired into the controller, it isn't bad, the controller is in your hands anyway so it isn't like you're tethered to the TV.
Overall, I am much more satisfied using the XM3s over the Plats. They are infinitly more comfy and the sound quality is superior. Plus, I can use them bluetooth with all of my other devices.
If you go the route of dongle there will be delay. Also, when the mic is activated via BT on the XMs, sounds quality is significantly reduced.
The only thing is you need to buy an inline mic to chat. I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=inline+mic&qid=1608301743&sr=8-4
I use this for my ps4 works perfectly
Cable Boom Microphone - Volume Control for Playstation PS4 or Xbox One Controller, PC, Tablet,Laptop, Smartphone - Boompro Gaming Mic Compatible with V-Moda or Most Other 3.5mm Jack Headphone(150CM) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rmuDFbX3VX91Z
yeah bro! i bought the fidelios off amazon. awaiting the delivery now! Just gotta get this mic haha. I also found this one which has similar ratings at the boom pro but im assuming the boom pro is probably better. Really excited for the fidelios though. gonna be awesome
I got mine from eBay but you want to look for a model like this one.
No clue about wireless.
Not sure if this would work, but maybe.
Cable Boom Microphone - Volume Control for Playstation PS4 or Xbox One Controller, PC, Tablet,Laptop, Smartphone - Boompro Gaming Mic Compatible with V-Moda or Most Other 3.5mm Jack Headphone(150CM) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6JDYD55BBFNCQSR50BKY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
what's the best <$300 headphones that use a single headphone cable input to the headphones as opposed to one cable going into each earcup? i'm looking into getting one of these cables that has an attached boom mic, and want to pair it with a good pair of headphones to be used for music and light gaming. currently have the sennheiser 560s in mind, wondering if there's another alternative to keep in mind.
Assuming you need a mic then I recommend this one - https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=headset+mic+attachment&qid=1616973811&sprefix=headset+mic+a&sr=8-6
I bought it several months ago and it works great!
do you have any headphones laying around that have a detachable cable? If so you could use something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=boom+mic+cord&qid=1615996485&sr=8-2
I have the same headphones and used them with a mod mic plugged into the controller. The built in mic only works on a low quality bluetooth frequency meant for phone calls, it's purpose it to basically let you take calls without removing the headset. Even if you could use the mic over bluetooth, you would get a really shit sound quality overall.
You can just use something like this, it's only $25. https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=inline+mic&qid=1615219649&sr=8-4
You can also get a usbc to 3.5 adapter that lets you plug strait into the PS5 for better quality audio.
I went ahead and got a Sound BlasterX G6 that I use with the XM3s and the mod mic. It was totally worth it to me because the sound quality is just so damn good. Demons Souls is on a whole other level, and GoT also sounds amazing.
I would def recommend getting the mod mic and just plugging into the controller. You will get much better sound than using cheap headphones. Yeah it kinda sucks taking off the headset if I want a drink or something, but the sound quality is worth it.
It comes with 3 clips to hold the cables together, and 3D printing more is trivial.
The actual Antlion mod-mics are pretty pricey and often out of stock.
There are many generic mics like that which clip into the existing 3.5mm port, which is perfect for something like the Philips X2HR. I own both and the audio quality is similar.
The best you can do is buy an in-line mic and plug them into the controller. This is what I do, and it work greats.
Boom mic is a mic you usually see on a gaming headset or even on company operators. The mic can be adjusted to make it nearer to your mouth. Like this
I probably won't have any issue with bluetooth on my laptop since its like 2017-ish product, if I could recall. Good to know I could use the mic built-in the headphone. This Covid time make demands for internet communications at all time high. Did you have any latency issues when playing game or something else using the headphone wirelessly (like the sound come out didn't sync with the action)?
Buy whatever headphones you want and just buy a Cable Boom Microphone to plug into them.
Cable Boom Microphone - Volume Control for Playstation PS4 or Xbox One Controller, PC, Tablet,Laptop, Smartphone - Boompro Gaming Mic Compatible with V-Moda or Most Other 3.5mm Jack Headphone(150CM) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_tm-HFbPMX86Q0
Okay great. Thanks for your help. I found the headphones, and the sound card on Amazon. I like to shop on their because convenience and their refund policy. I couldn’t find the Vmoda that was in stock and not 50 bucks. Any alternatives? How does this look: alternative
I just bought these headphones for gaming (Warzone and Apex Legends mostly). I drive them with the headphone jack on my motherboard and they get plenty loud. They don’t leak enough to bother people around me, especially if there is a wall between. However, I used this mic from Amazon for game chat and they leaked enough to bother my friends, so I had to switch to push to talk so it wasn’t so annoying. I’m returning the mic for a v-moda boompro mic which apparently doesn’t pick up as much leaked sound. If you’re streaming mic is sensitive, I’m guessing it may pick it up.
Your right, It is unavailable. I was looking at the completely wrong thing lol. Amazon recommends this as an alternative but I’d probably dig a little deeper as I can’t personally vouch for this one. https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=vmoda+boompro&qid=1595445405&sprefix=vmo&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFYNDlJMEdBR1...
This microphone is compatible and in stock in 5 days according to Amazon, however its quality is lacking for something that is so close in price to the boom pro. I bought one years ago and ended up giving it to a friend and whereas he was audible in Discord he did not sound particularly good. That said, it worked, and it's available soon if you're desperate.
The BoomPro has gone in and out of stock regularly over the past few years so it may be worth waiting for it to come back in stock. I now own a BoomPro and it's a quality product that is worth buying.
You can use something like this to get a regular boom mic for your XB900N, so you won't need to use the controller mic:
I found a mic that works! It's a bit janky, since my Windows laptop doesn't recognize it as a separate "entity" per say (pardon me for my lack of knowledge about how internal computers work) like usual headphones.
When I was testing it out on Google Meets, I had to avoid using the "default - ..." option for the mic and speakers, since that always defaulted to the laptop microphone and speakers, but as long as I adjusted the audio settings it worked fine! Not sure if I'll have to apply this in other meeting software (like Zoom), but I suspect so.
The only other slight issue I had was that the connector didn't sit flush on my NC 700's. There was a part of the connector that was visible, but I don't think it affected the performance of the headset.
Here's the link btw if you're interested: https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Boom-Microphone-Playstation-Controller/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=sr_1_6?crid=LJ5QI8WY7WMC&keywords=Cable+Boom+Microphone&qid=1661894460&sprefix=cable+boom+microphone%2Caps%2C384&sr=8-6
You're approaching this the wrong way - find a pair of good headphones that are comfortable and work well for your uses, and then get something like a modmic wireless or boom mic/cable combo.
I use some Sennheiser HD558's with cable something like this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W3GGRF2
I'm talking about a mic cable like this should work while the Sony ANC is on, no?
Or these for $30. But yeah, if you ever swap headphones you're likely retiring them or dealing with an adapter.
I'm not 100% its exactly the sensation you are talking about, but I don't like using headphones with heavy audio isolation for gaming (though I don't mind them as much for music).
A combination of lack of mic monitoring and too-good sound isolation (even if not active noise cancellation) often puts me in a situation where after having the headphones on for a while I need to pull them off occasionally (it almost feels like having to pull them off to let my ears 'breathe' even though that's not actually what's happening).
For me this problem is solved by using open back headphones. I have two pair that I really like, one is the Philips SHP9500S and the other are Sennheiser PC37X.
The Philips require a secondary mic of the type OP talked about to use as a gaming headset (though this only matters if you expect to be party chatting with people while gaming, otherwise you don't need the secondary mic). I've used the V-Moda BoomPro and also a slightly cheaper alternative and both worked fine (the cheaper one was this one: https://amazon.com/gp/product/B07W3GGRF2).
The Sennheiser PC37X have a built-in mic so don't require one of these, but you will need an alternate cable or adapter because the cable that it comes with them splits the 3.5mm connection off in 2, one for the headphones and one for the mic.
So you either need an alternate cable like this one:
OR an adapter to convert the cable that comes with the headset like this one:
I highly recommend looking into open back headphones even if not these particular models.
There's really no guide, I had to figure it out and had a couple questions answered. I can show you what I bought so you know what to look for.
This: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W3GGRF2/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_zzstFb1QBPTMS
This: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ENMK1DW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_sBstFbED1XQ28