I hear what everyone is saying, I’ll counter a little and say get whatever is gonna get you out there the quickest. Unless you’re worried about others opinions, the bag and extra clubs alone probably worth it. You’re not gonna find a new bag for much cheaper than 100-120$. If you’re lucky you might find a used one/used set that comes with one, but that alone eats into a chunk of your funds. You’re basically left with 100$ to fill the rest of your kit out vs what you’d get with the set.
This gets you out there and let’s you keep an eye on the used market to slowly replace clubs in the bag. Then you sell those off on Facebook for like 75$-125$ and you’ve given yourself the luxury of having a set to play immediately and allowed yourself time to make good used purchases. Just my opinion
Oh: or get something like this strata set which is Callaway’s budget set if not sold on top flite Callaway Golf Men's Strata Complete Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H2HQJR5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_XQq8FbT4HNV74?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Welcome to golfing 🏌️♂️! As someone who started golfing during the pandemic I also had to get myself a setup for somewhere in that price range and I’m more than happy to share my experience.
The fastest most convenient set that’s gonna check all your boxes and have you golfing by Friday is the Strata by Callaway set found on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Callaway-Strata-Complete-Piece-Package/dp/B07H2HQJR5/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=763LE7HUKUVV&keywords=strata+golf+club+set&qid=1654523884&sprefix=strata%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkU... It has everything your looking for including the bag and if you search your local OfferUp you can find it for like half the price .
2nd set I would recommend is the Callaway Edge set found at Costco only. It’s out of stock right now on there website but depending on where you live your local store might have it stock. The quality on this is great but it is $500 and does not include a bag .
Last recommendation is to build your own set or buy one on offer up. Look for irons are cavity backed (game improvement )that are no older than 8 years old and Drivers and woods no older than 5 . From what I’ve been told the iron tech doesn’t progress as fast as the Driver / woods tech does.
Way too high!
Honestly, any new introductory full set is going to be better due to tech advances and probably cheaper.
I think Charlie Yates loans out clubs. I'm not 100% on it but I've seen people get loaners to go play before.
You could also go to a thrift store and pick up a driver, a couple irons, a wedge and a putter. Should be rather cheap, probably under $50 or so. If you want to get a set, get the Callaway Strata clubs. Looks like they're $250 from amazon for 12 clubs. They are really good beginner clubs.
If you want to practice, Northcrest Driving Range in Doraville offers loaner clubs.
AFAICT Amazon is sold out of every Strata set except the 12-piece, which doesn’t include a sand wedge. The Edge will also have a higher (but not superb) resale value if you decide to quit or upgrade.
I subscribe to the philosophy of getting the best you can afford. If the difference between spending $300 and spending $500 isn’t a big deal to you, get the $500 set. Everything will be just a little bit nicer.
There's a Strata set on Amazon, the Wilson one is decent too.
But I would probably suggest buying a used set of irons from the early to mid 2000s (check your local golf store and see what they have) since those usually run about $100. They'll hold more resale value incase you don't want to full commit to the sport/hobby.
Callaway has a Strata starter set on Amazon that comes with a bag and has great reviews. Get the driver, fairway wood, hybrid, irons, etc. for $250. Hybrids are replacements for long irons that are more forgiving. Biggest differences would be the driver tech now with a 460cc head (massive), offsets and adjustable weights so it’s just much easier to hit.
EDIT: Link Callaway Men's Strata Complete Golf Set (12 Piece) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H2HQJR5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DsDUEbKZPCWGW
Sounds good, I will go ahead and order those. Thanks for your help
Edit: To bother you again, what about this strata from amazon? https://www.amazon.com/Callaway-Strata-Complete-Piece-Package/dp/B07H2HQJR5/ref=sr_1_22?dchild=1&keywords=wilson+golf+clubs&qid=1588792134&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-22
You could probably get a well-used set at a thrift shop or eBay for <$100. But you'll probably be piecing together various clubs.
You can get this very adequate complete, new set on Amazon for $220 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H2HQJR5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I would recommend either the Callaway strata off Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Callaway-Strata-Ultimate-Complete-Package/dp/B07H2HQJR5/
or if you can find them, the Costco callaway edge: https://www.costco.com/callaway-edge-10-piece-golf-club-set%2C-right-handed---graphite.product.100683849.html
They don't sell them in Canada but you can often see them on marketplace for maybe $100+ above retail. You can maybe haggle down to retail if you try hard enough.
I tried going the preowned route and it's very hit or miss. If you have an experienced golfer friend/family that can help you in buying half decent used clubs, than it might be okay, but I personally recommend getting a good base beginner set, and start upgrading your set as you improve.
I personally got the 14 piece callaway strata to start, and you get a solid graphite driver and decent quality clubs for $600 CAD.
STRATA Men's Golf Packaged Sets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H2HQJR5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MVivFbCBN70DZ
$250 for a starter set, it’s what I currently use (just started a couple months ago). This will do you wonders!
This is the best seller on Amazon.
I thought about buying it, but went with second hand clubs.
I’d recommend the Callaway strata set off amazon over this’ll at set you linked. You’ll get more clubs for almost $200 less, I’d take that money and dump it into lessons
Strata 2019 Strata 12-Piece Complete Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H2HQJR5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_FhJiDb3AZGTKE
The only training equipment I’d recommend is a puttout and a mat for practice at home. Nothing beats hitting actual golf balls