Some ideas:
-something like this could help: Camille Rose Curl Love Moisture Milk
(this youtuber has lots of good videos talking about curly hair products this video specifically is where I found the curl love moisture milk recommendation: )
-My bro has long wavy hair and discovered bone combs. Since bone is molecularly similar to hair it slides better down the hair shaft and causes less static, damages the cuticles less, etc. There are lots on etsy, you could try one and see if it helps with maintaining tangle-free dry hair without adding any floof. ( ) Generally, brushing dry curls adds volume/fluff, it's actually how vintage pincurled hair is styled.
-Also, seconding the silicones comment. Looks like your hair is generally behaving how you want, just towards the ends the hairs aren't sticking together. A silicone-based product applied on your tips on top of any other produts you like could help keep hairs together.
My hair is similar, here's the hair "lotion" and then silicone thing I'm using right now:
protein-free: Camilla Rose Curl Love Moisture Milk
hair serum for extra protecc: ogx coconut milk
Also, here is a blogpost about how different oils react with different hair porosities (this blogger also has hair product recommendations too):
Also a youtube channel where I found the camilla rose product: I think it was this video specifically that had the leave-ins listed: