You don't know shit about biology. Go read any general biological textbook today, and I guarantee you it will have the distinction between gender and sex.
Here, I recommend this book I read from when I took Biology for Science majors.
Stop peddling your misinformation and bankrupt agenda, idiot.
Hi everyone. I'm looking for a "An introduction to Medecine for layman" kind of book. The sort of thing you would be given to read if you had to take a one semester "Medecine 101" college class.
I don't mind long books and i have some basic notions of anatomy and Biology but what i would want to avoid is something Huuuuge like what this book is to biology.
If you have something that's only available in German and/or French i would love it as well.
Other than furthering my own knowledge the goal is also to test if i can "digest" this kind of material (Considering going to college in that field)
The best textbook for a college biology class is Campbell Biology. Older editions are dirt cheap, and it's quite literally the only biology textbook you need unless you're taking upper-level classes.
I'd recommend you read it cover-to-cover and recommend you provide sections for reading to the students to supplement other learning activities.
>In light of all this, I think I want to hear the full story. From actual atheists, actual researchers of evolution, and, dare I say, actual scientists.
I know it's going to sound stupid, but I learned from a textbook as part of my coursework. Specifically "Biology" by Campbell. It's going to contain lots of information that is relevant to evolution, and it doesn't have any particular bias.
If you want something that's a bit easier reading, try Richard Dawkins' books, like "The Selfish Gene", "The Blind Watchmaker", and "The Ancestor's Tale". If you want something human-specific, look to "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind"
Biologist here, you're wrong. You clearly have a poor understanding of the scientific method. Go read a book. I read this one in my undergrad Biology for Science Majors class, and I highly suggest it.
There's an entire subchapter on the subject within it. Please check it out and please stop spreading misinformation. Thanks.
> I would recommend contemplating the power and majesty of God.
Campbell's Biology is as close as it gets to the official biology book for USABO, but beware a lot of biology is memorization, but it is easier once you understand the logic behind it. If you are committed I would recommend buying/renting that book, read it, and take notes on it. Knowing that book well enough should get you to Semi's, good luck!
I self studied for AP bio completely because it was my 7th AP that year and I didn’t have a place for it anywhere in my school schedule. I just read the Campbell book (it’s a big ass book, I heard it was good for ap bio) and I did some practice tests. I got a 4 which isn’t the best but isn’t the worst considering I self studied it and took 6 more APs. My advice is to plan the time carefully because there’s a lot of material to cover. Solve a lot of practice tests. Campbell AP bio
Sounds like you should pick up a biology textbook.
Campbell biology is ridiculously good
It befuddles me how people can decide to criticise evolution without a sufficient biology education.
Number of nucleotides is analogous to computer bits.
A bit on a computer is the smallest piece of information on your hard drive or RAM.
A nucleotide is the smallest piece of genetic information.
If you really don't want to waste time, I suggest reading a proper biology textbook is probably the most productive.
Almost all creationists have never read a biology textbook...
Campbell biology is the best biology textbook and amazingly good to read with lots and lots of pictures / diagrams
Its this, but an older version is totally fine and probably cheaper. Mine was from 2005. This is a big book but its just such a solid intro and super good foundation. Its a real fun read.
Standard one is the best. Not the Essentials version.
I would start with basic biology:
>but they'll get you pretty close to an undergrad understanding by American standards.
I strongly disagree. A proper biology degree is worthless without a core course in evolution (you might as well teach chemistry without talking about atoms), and I would also argue that at least some background at levels of organization above cells is necessary. Otherwise it's not a Biology degree, it's a cellular/molecular biology degree. But evolution is essential - without it, you don't have any true understanding of any biological system.
Add these:
Plus at least one course on a multi-cellular taxa (e.g. Botany, Vertebrate Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology, Mycology).