This book was so encouraging to me! I also struggle with OCD and this book talks about the many well-known Christians who most likely suffered from some type of OCD too. The title is silly and I wish he had spent more time wrapping it up but this book has truly impacted me and encouraged me and I would recommend to any believer with mental illness but especially anxiety disorders.
Edit: oops didn’t tag OP /u/AngloSaxonCanada praying for you. I know it’s a lonely battle... 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 are my life verses. Jesus’ grace and strength is the only spiritual reason I can come up with for what I experience. It’s enough for me because He has walked with me through it all and I enjoy the special, daily companionship I get to enjoy with a him because of it. God bless
Thanks for the recommendation, I will check that out. The only book I’ve found on the matter from a Christian specific worldview is this one Can Christianity cure OCD? . It’s pretty interesting and dives into the struggles of Bunyan and Luther. It is very heavily focused on scrupulosity vs other varieties and expressions of OCD but is worth a read.
You might find this book helpful. But, in short, you have to trust in God's grace instead of your works for salvation. I know it hard at times.
A good Christian friend of mine has OCD. He said this book was helpful:
Sort of related to the question but have you considered reading this book. It might help you with scrupulosity from OCD.