You should look into this book, he is a proponent of keto
I'm sure his information is available elsewhere also.
Hope you're well soon. Keto is the first step on that journey. Take heart!
this might be interesting.
I am not a medic nor a scientist, but I am a really curious fella and stumble upon this the other day, I don't know if it is true or not, but I guess it does not make any harm reading it and showing it to the right people so they can tell you if that makes sense or not.
Thomas Seyfried, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer
(That is a textbook, but this next one is written by an investigative journalist):
Travis Christofferson, Tripping over the Truth: How the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Is Overturning One of Medicine's Most Entrenched Paradigms
If you really wanna geek out you can also find and look into the actual cancer genome project results once you have access to it.
If you don't like Atkins and if you're gonna use a variant of the "everything in moderation" argument you're not gonna like what these people have to say about how to treat cancer (but you do have the right attitude to pass medical school: you're repeating conventional wisdom talking points so you won't piss off your professors. Just don't go all Robb Wolf on us; he was about to get a medical license but then decided to go into biochemistry instead after being disillusioned with the medical industry).
" You say that medicine is not intellectual, and you are wrong. " What I mean is that it is not a minimum requirement to be a doctor, and most doctors are time-starved, so they're not gonna be looking too hard at the data that's being presented to them by medical researchers. Example Seriously if you think being a doctor will be like living the life of an intellectual you will be very disappointed.
Michael Eades mentioned in another blog post about how he just had to accept that his colleagues were used to having such low standards for what was an acceptable fasting blood glucose level in diabetic patients that their patients would end up as leg/foot amputees and blind from the mildly but constantly elevated blood glucose levels, while he himself didn't have this problem with his patients (because he actually knew what he was doing). The fact that his colleagues might learn something from him never occurred to his colleagues. This is what I mean when I say being a doctor is not an intellectual job. He takes an intellectual approach to the job but his colleagues don't; yet they are still allowed to practice medicine. In fact you are literally defending the mindset that his colleagues have in these posts, you just don't know it yet (and hopefully this will change but if it does, expect some people to hate you)
By the way you might as well check out this book by what might very well be the oldest living type 1 diabetic. The author was well on his way to dying from diabetes when he figured it out with the help of his physician wife who had access to a glycometer (back then patients weren't allowed to monitor their blood glucose so only a doctor could buy a glucometer). He tried to tell others about how he recovered from certain death but nobody listened so he switched careers and became a doctor. Unfortunately he's also considered a quack by the mainstream because he promotes low carb, which, like I said before, is politically incorrect.
Also, Terry Wahls - a medical researcher who got MS, got put in a wheelchair and managed to heal herself enough to no longer need it. Seriosuly. She's also somebody that got labelled a quack and they tried to tell her she "didn't have MS after all" because until her nobody ever reversed MS symptoms (therefore, if she did do it, it must mean she didn't really have it). But unlike Dr. Richard K. Bernstein the label of quack isn't quite sticking to her; she's becoming popular in MS circles as more ppl w/ MS try out her protocol and it worked. And lucky for us she's a medical researcher; last time I checked she's going to be doing some research on her modified paleo / low carb diet
This is a good summary of the research.
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer by Thomas Seyfried An extremely dense, but still somewhat accessible book about the nutrition side of cancer. The author builds on the Warburg effect and argues that cancer is not primarily caused by mutations, but by a reversal of the cell's energy production to a more primitive state (of yeast). This state uses glucose and certain proteins to produce energy via fermentation instead of oxygen. Working from this premise the author suggests fasting and a ketogenic diet to prevent cancer. While the author's arguments were convincing, it sometimes feels he's drifting too far away from mainstream diet and I'd like to see his conclusions supported by more large studies.
Looks like a solid book. Link if someone is interested:
>However, cancer cells have to compensate for the 18-fold lower efficacy of energy generation (glycolysis only makes 2 ATP per glucose molecule consumed while mitochondrial respiration can produce up to 36 ATP for each glucose molecule catabolized). Part of the solution is to upregulate glucose transporters, especially Glut1, Glut2, Glut3, and Glut4, to uptake more glucose5,22-24. In fact, the increase in glucose uptake is a major feature distinguishing tumor cells from normal cells.
emphasis mine
This is just a quick response. I'm going to get you more.
Lots of things can be fixed with a dietary intervention. If you're sick, at least try it.