This is the one that I have:
sleeves are 13 inches compared to a standard barbells 16 inches, probably the best one youll find for the price!
I bought some 1oo lb plates from wal mart just in case, but this one can fit 4 45 lb bumpers on it if i recall correctly
it weighs 75 lbs too so theres more weight to start with
This is the best trap bar for the price:
it has 13 inch sleeves which isnt as long as a standard barbell sleeve (16 inch) but long enough if you have some iron plates sitting around. pretty sure i can fit like 435 total (the bar weighs 75) when using only bumper plates
I bought this one;
It's the same as the one you're looking at just a little heavier capacity. You get what you pay for with this one. The finish is tacky, the welds are ugly, and there's no rotating sleeves. However, it's 100% solid so far. It's half the price of the competition and does exactly what it's supposed to do with no signs of breaking, like ever.
Also, the trap bar deadlift is a much stronger lift than the barbell deadlift. 750# is definitely achievable with time.
ITT: users not recommending things available on Amazon.
Here are my recommendations based on what I've bought and liked from Amazon:
Note: this is a heavier bar that sits higher and has bigger handles. I've bought it twice (didn't want to move across the country with it). No complaints with either.
Note: I love how thin this rope is; you can really get it moving without too much effort.
Note: I haven't owned this but one of my best friends owns it and swears by it.
Note: I have two sets put together and they work great. A little squishy, so I wouldn't recommend squatting on them.
this one has longer sleeves:
i have it and it does the job!