The problem with shorty bars is they usually aren't very good quality. Like for example CAP makes one but its material steel is shit compared to a quality bar from Rogue etc. And its shaft is still about 4" too short to be rackable on most racks.
Rogue does make the 6'-ish C-70 but which is good steel but you're still not going to be able to rack it on the shaft.
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it's fine. the smaller shafts of a women's bar would be weird but most women's bars should have higher load tolerances than the ones I found that I listed below.
they also will be easier to grip. women's bars start to bend/whip at lower weights than men's though which might be annoying
there are some short men's bars that are not 7' long. They tend to weigh less than 20kg/#45 and have lower load tolerances, especially these from other than Rogue and Fringesport not in stock not in stock either in stock