What he meant to say was the CAP OB-86PBCK when it is on sale (often around $120) from either Amazon or Walmart.
That DOES have center knurling and is a VERY solid value (1500lb capacity, alright knurling and finish). SOURCE: Search this sub and I own it.
Titan Atlas bar is close but no center knurl: $225 plus tax.
Cap Barbell “The Boss” is closer and cheaper but 28.5
If it's like my first barbell that was a combo from Dick's (Barbell + 300 Pounds), it won't be able to handle the stress of heavy weights and hitting the ground.
The little spinny part on the spinny part where you put weights (whatever it's called that stops the weights from sliding further); that part detatched on one side, I was never able to permanently fix it so I had to stop with deadlifts and rows. It wouldn't break in two, but the side where it broke would sag and mess up a lift.
After saving and being annoyed, I bought a better bar and I will say it is very, very worth it. CAP Barbell is what I got; at the time I decided to go around with good quality and spend more than I wanted to so I'd have a bar that would last me for a long while. Three years and still going strong.
I was considering using the bar included in the Dick's set at first, as the reviews are decent and I'm a beginner so the weight wouldn't be too great. Then I thought I could get this CAP bar soon after (as I've read a lot of good comments about it), or just go all-in on a Rogue bar or something for $200-300. Do you have any suggestions for good bars in that range? I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the variety.
Thanks for the barbell top. I'll probably go with this one if I don't go Rogue.
Power bar since I'll be doing bench, squats, and deadlift.
An unintended beauty I found with building a home gym is that because of budget restraints for most of us, you're often forced to boil down your routine into the basics early on. To me that's a wonderful thing. I've been a far more productive lifter focusing on more basic lifts and forgetting about all the ancillary isolation exercises. Granted, your lifting routine doesn't seem to get cute with the iso work. So I guess my point is, get what you need for the big lifts now. You can figure out alternatives to your complimentary lifts with what you have. For example, using different pull up grips, or using inexpensive bands as support in your pullups if you need to go high reps (in place of lat pulldowns) are possibilities.
In time, you'll get pieces here and there to add further variety. Many of these gyms you see here have evolved over time. Be patient, you'll be accumulating complimentary pieces in no time.
My advice is to put money in:
a decent rack that has a lot of supporting accessories (Titan is a good brand for this)
a sturdy bench (I like my Rep Fitness adjustable bench)
some horse stall mats - I personally think a platform may not be necessary unless you're doing olympic lifts, and dropping from up high. I've deadlifted 500+ on 3/4" horse stall mats alone, with no damage to the concrete beneath.
Dick's runs great deals for 300 lbs olympic weight sets (I've seen as low as $179). The bars that come with this are crap, but could last you 6 months if you're not going to heavy or beating on it until you get a good bar. Some people have been able to flip the bar immediately for money on Letgo or Craigslist.
Solid barbell... look for deals, I got this one for $80 after some weird instant rebate on Amazon last July. It was posted in this forum. There's plenty of good barbells out there, just a little research should land you a decent one.
Landmine - Best bang for the buck in my gym. I got one like this for ~$23 around the holidays. You can add a ton of variety to your workout. Just google 'landmine exercises'. You can put that cheap bar that came with the Dicks' set in there.
The women's bars are often 15kg instead of 20kg (so about 35#), and have a thinner bar diameter. Whether there's any reason for you to want one I can't say, I don't have one and probably wouldn't get one but that's just me. There was a big thread about women's bars about a week ago so you might check that out. Link
I personally chose this CAP barbell for my home gym. I would have liked to get a nice Rogue bar but it was out of my price range and also my gym is on a back porch so theoretically it would be easy (although time-consuming) for someone to steal all of it. The one I linked is the center knurl version, they also have them without that so if you go with the CAP ones from Amazon be careful which one you get! The link should have a chart of all the CAP barbells so you can compare them.
It's not the nicest bar I've ever used, nor the worst, but for the price I have no complaints. I managed to find a second (crappier) bar on Craigslist, and we use that one for deadlifts.
We only got a single pair of 45lb bumpers and some 10s, because we have a set of regular iron Olympic plates so we can get up to the 200s just with all that, and so that is plenty for our purposes. I can't remember where we got the 45s from in the end. :(
ETA: Now I remember, we got the "one fit wonder" 45 bumper pair from fringesport. I don't remember why I got those particular ones (probably felt they were the most decent value for the $$ at the time), but I have no complaints about them and they are rather attractive.
I'd look in the Rogue Boneyard (if you want one of their bars on a budget).
Otherwise if you can find the CAP OB-86PBCK for around $110 - $130 you're good to go (Walmart | Amazon). I own this and for $112 (the price I paid) I am MORE than happy with the finish / knurling, etc. for doing SS (I'm only 9 weeks in). It will do it's job just fine for a long time.
Just make sure you get a bar with Center Knurling (like the Ohio Power Bar, Chan Bar, the CAP one listed) if you're getting this for SS / SL.
Get the one with center knurl if you're powerlifting. It's a little more but the CK is worth it especially for back squats.
I am a big fan of the Ohio Power bar, and I went ahead and picked up one from the USA. you're right, its $$$$ but IMO worth the money.
if you are looking for a cheaper "Canadian" alternative you could try this bar http://www.strongarmsport.com/product-p/bar-bos.htm it's from Bells of Steel and has great reviews. This is their last gen bar, but reviews are saying its better than their "new and improved" version. its comes in at $370 shipping and taxes inc. the Rogue bar comes in at $390 shipped so its a no brainer to go with the OPB.
the only other option I found to be cheaper was the Cap Power Bar from Amazon (Free ship with Prime) https://www.amazon.ca/Cap-Barbell-Weight-Lifting-Olympic/dp/B006R4EOXM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1520517760&sr=8-1&keywords=ob86pbck
currently at $193 ($218 taxes in and free ship) is your cheapest option for a decently reviewed power bar. http://capbarbell.com/1500lb-solid-power-squat-bar-with-central-knurling/
https://smile.amazon.com/CAP-Barbell-Beast-7-Foot-Olympic/dp/B006R4EOXM CAP 'Beast' priced matched to WMT price. $129.50
CAP Barbell "The Boss" for $163 on AMZN.
Lowest price ive seen in at least a year
Couple of CAP barbells order-able on Amazon
The Boss https://www.amazon.com/CAP-Barbell-Power-Olympic-Weightlifting/dp/B006R4EOXM/
The Rebel https://www.amazon.com/CAP-Barbell-Power-Olympic-Weightlifting/dp/B006R4EOWI/
It's not much, but a few Cap The Boss barbells are in stock at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/CAP-Barbell-Power-Olympic-Weightlifting/dp/B006R4EOXM/
I’m about to pull the trigger on the Ohio power bar stainless steel. Pricey, but I want it.
i think cap boss power bar is the best buy economy option. I have one. Knurl is very passive.
my gym has Xmark voodoo and I love it. Saw it on amazon as well. Decent knurl and no center knurl so it’s my go to DL bar.
I have this cap "the boss" bar. Its great for the price. Knurl is not too aggressive
depending on your style of training, the ideal bar choice differs. Powerlifting I would go with this CAP bar its rated at 1500lbs and has centre knurl for squatting https://www.amazon.com/Barbell-OB-86PBCK-Weight-Lifting-Olympic/dp/B006R4EOXM/ref=pd_sbs_200_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B006R4EOXM&pd_rd_r=36K7V164BAH65XYK107W&pd_rd_w=Rd3ue&pd_rd_wg=3aahv&psc=1&refRID=36K7V164BAH65XYK107W
At that price thou... for $60 more you can get a Rogue Ohio Power Bar.
Crossfit or Olympic lifting? I'd go with this one https://www.amazon.com/Synergee-Phosphate-Barbell-Weightlifting-Powerlifting/dp/B0719L8K58/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=exercise-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1520444579&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=barbell&psc=1
It's on sale again for $109.88 at Amazon and Walmart. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006R4EOXM
I started with about the same budget as you. This is what I did (minus the flooring because I'm in the garage and just threw down mats).
http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/rubber-mat-black-4-ft-x-6-ft?cm_vc=-10005 6 horse stall mats - 35 bucks a piece. $220
http://www.titan.fitness/short-power-rack.html - Titan short rack, because of the clearance thing. I wish I would have gotten the taller one so I could OHP in it, but it's not a big deal. $269
http://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/body-power-deluxe-multifunctional-power-tower?repChildCatid=3077414 Power tower, on sale still. $129
http://www.ironmaster.com/products/quick-lock-dumbbell-system-75 - Ironmaster dumbbells - best purchase ever. $499
Found 205lbs of rogue bumper plates, and a flat bench on craiglist for $300 Had another 175lbs of bumper plates previously. If you don't want bumper plates you can find metal plates for much cheaper on craigslist.
That had me at about $1600 after taxes. I also got a Xebex rower/decline bench/med ball from GetRXd on a special for $800 but that was bought because it was a great deal. Awesome rower btw.
If you want a good incline bench instead of flat, go with the ironmaster one. It's $299 I believe and very solid. Ironmaster dumbbells are way, way better than the Bowflex ones. They're solid metal. I toss them around and they're fine. They also don't rattle.
I also got the Cap bar from amazon for $160. Awesome 1000lb rated bar. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006R4EOXM/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_2?pf_rd_p=1944687562&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001K4OPY2&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=044DMW43KCXP3YXFA73M
Yeah, the B&R bar has one, and that's been my experience. Thanks! With that B&R bar out of stock, I'm likely going to go with the Cap OB-86PBCK.
I would save up for better main equipment. Skip the adjustable dumbells to start and put it towards a better rack/bench. If you get dumbells later do not buy bowflex. powerblocks and ironmaster are the only quick adjust dumbells worth anything and otherwise would just get some spinlock adjustable dumbells if they are too pricey.
The problem with that valor fitness rack is it is way too cramped and the designers didn't know what they are doing (just look at the demo video)- it is impossible to fit a bench inside that rack since the weight tower/pulley and bottom crossmember is in the way no matter which way you face so you are forced to bench outside, not to mention the weight tower uses 1" pins instead of 2" olympic pins so it is just shoddy with oly weights anyway. would try to find a rack that has tighter hole spacing on the pins- at least 2" holes on center. a weight tower can be nice but it needs to be offset from the back of the rack so it is actually useable. find a quality rack first that works good as a rack then grab a cheap pulldown on craigslist later or something.
The bench is iffy- most cheap (and even nice commercial) adjustable benches tend to not be very good to setup on for flat benching since the butt piece gets in the way and the pads are at different heights with gaps making it very difficult to get a good proper flat bench setup on. cheaper adjustable benches are fine for incline work but I would get a dedicated quality proper flat bench in addition.
I'm a big fan of the CAP OB86 series bars for the money- I would just suggest picking up the PBCK variant instead that has the center knurl for squats though.
for flooring look at either stall mats or 3/8" rolled rubber for gym flooring. good rolled rubber is a lot more expensive but looks a bit cleaner and has less smell. stall mats are cheap and thick and great- only issue is they can smell pretty strong at first and are heavy and a bit cumbersome to do a whole gym in- if you do go for stall mats if you leave them outside in the sun for a couple weeks they won't smell when you bring them inside.