I was a bit worried about buying something from china without the proper US certification like UL\Mil, my wire stripper is one of the best there is, and like 60% of the time it didn't cut the insulation cleanly and left some Teflon behind that I had to cut myself. The wire is 5857 BK005 Alpha Wire.
But that was not my main issue, no - the main issue was that nothing sticks to that insulation so my plan of melting a heatshrink close to the terminal, but not on top of it, didn't work anymore - because even after melting - it just didn't stick to the Teflon. I had to use super glue on top of that - and even that isn't very strong so I am being careful when removing the connector from the GPU.
I'm not a pro.
I use these though and love them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01018CVM0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I'd love to hear the pro's opinions of them...
Pick up one of these.
I tried several of these before I finally found one that worked well.
I use these
Capri Tools 20010 Precision Wire Stripper https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01018CVM0/
I don't like the ones that aren't for a specific guage because I find they tend to cut into the conductor a little and weaken it.