It's called Carbs & Cals ( and I'm like 99.999% sure they have a US version as well. It's a really cool book, they even have a condiment section and a takeaway section (though obviously that's always going to be a bit of a guestimate anyway), plus it gives you the sizes of the plates that the photos are taken on so you actually have scale.
Yeah it's actually the worst! I think I assumed it wouldn't be as bad as they said because the hospital doctor said I could go immediately straight back to work (what a lie!) but nooo. Such a good job with the running though! Don't rush, build it up slowly and soon it'll be like your pesky lungs never caused all that bother. :)
Ooff I'm sorry you're getting such poor support. I know things like the course they can send you on are delayed because of COVID, but other than that, I've felt fairly well looked after. I hope they respond to your email.
I think we move up priority for the vaccine quite a bit, but that assumes we're on the list (given we've only just been diagnosed) I don't know how it works. But hopefully we're getting it sooner rather than later!
I am finding the Carbs and Cals book ( useful for some basic nutrition education (although be aware that it follows the official line - there's a minimum amount of carb, as well as a maximum amount. A lot of folks online, and some other books, advise super-low carb) Between that book, and a bit of googling and lots of checking nutrition labels, and I've put together a spreadsheet with a diet plan for myself. I know I'm wayyyy new to be giving advice, but I guess the first thing I've learned is not to underestimate the work - I was feeling knackered earlier this week and wondering why, then realised I'd basically been studying!