As others have mentioned use a fine automotive polish. I've used this Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover on our old and new stainless steel fridge and it was amazing. Buffed out some rather deep scratches. Go nice and easy on it.
Girlfriend just swiped a pole in her brand new WRX and was heart broken, looked just like yours. 15 mins later, looked brand new again. I've also used it on my CX5. Just keep rubbing in circular motions even if at first it looks like it's not doing anything.
This will take it right out, I use it all the time:
Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover - Ultimate Car Scratch Remover - Polish & Paint Restorer - Easily Repair Paint Scratches, Scratches, Water Spots! Car Buffer Kit
Buy microfiber towels for next time, this looks like you used a paper tower to clean it - happened to me once years ago and I learned my lesson :)
I found this on Amazon:
Limited-time deal: Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover - Ultimate Car Scratch Remover - Polish & Paint Restorer - Easily Repair Paint Scratches, Scratches, Water Spots! Car Buffer Kit
I've ordered an OEM paint pen, clear coat, sandpaper to wet sand and a buffer compound
I plan on doing them in that order, is there something else I should be doing or should know? Thank you!
I have the perfect stuff for you it's highly recommended by detailers I had some scratches all over my Bolt I actually have two bolts and this stuff remove them like there was no tomorrow you don't even see a mark on it now my daughter got a new car yesterday with a few scratches and it remove them you can buy on Amazon.
Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover
I’ll try that. Thanks man.
Something like this?
Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover - Ultimate Car Scratch Remover - Polish & Paint Restorer - Easily Repair Paint Scratches, Scratches, Water Spots! Car Buffer Kit
This guy really helped me with minor scratches, not sure if it’ll help you
Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover - Ultimate Car Scratch Remover - Polish & Paint Restorer - Easily Repair Paint Scratches, Scratches, Water Spots! Car Buffer Kit
If you really want to save some bucks, try a DIY scratch remover. They work very well in my experience.
I think I used Mcguire's, but a quick Amazon search found the current top seller with lots of great reviews.
I used this recently on a small clear coat scratch and it worked great. I think your scratch there is deeper however.
Honestly, I would just clean up the cladding and forget about it. It's a really small nick that I doubt anyone would notice walking past the car.
This works great. Very easy with a little elbow grease.
Don’t take to a shop. I buffed out similar damage.
Carfidant Scratch and Swirl...
I bought that on Amazon and it seriously works
I did one of the dumbest things I’ve ever done to my car and used an the ice chipper end of a brush to get ice off all around my car. I knew it was only meant for glass but at that time it didn’t dawn on me at all and I can’t get over how bad I fucked up. So I’m really hoping someone here has solution to my problem.
Good thing is from what I can see it looks as if none of the paint came off at all. Almost like the plastic scraper left residue that I can’t just get off with a simple rag.
I also just ordered This
Try this! It helped a lot for me.
I have this ( coming on Saturday. Hopefully it does the trick!