I got this based on it's 5000 plus positive reviews, just put two coats on and feels like glass!
You are right. Regular wax is a bad combination with ceramic coat. However this product I've used is called Carguys Hybrid wax sealant. Its a spray touch up product and it worked great for me as you can see. Link below. CarGuys Hybrid Wax Sealant - Most Advanced Top Coat Polish and Sealer on the Market - Infused with Liquid Carnauba for a Deep Hydrophobic Shine on All Types of Surfaces - 18 Ounce Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y5KQSKF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_m4nEBbT8S9F02
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Just in case if you're wondering, I used this hybrid wax. Best wax ever.