Not sure since COVID stopped it, but they did send a package that had a mug, a stress ball, and some cutlery.
> … and for the record, I never used it.
Does this mean my calculator should be fine for midterms and exams or that a calculator wasn’t ever needed?
I see it available. Maybe it not shipped to where you are. Maybe try ebay or another online shopping website? You might even find one on craigslist!
This is the one that my teacher had said was borderline compulsory for us. It has a shit ton of functions you can use to go faster without it being cheating.
I cant see anything either so my advice is to get an old maths higher level book circa1990s and work through that. You can also use a current one but they have been dumbed down so much as of late. I was a mature student too and what I found was that first year university maths is equivalent to Higher level in 90s.
Here is another thing you will find extremely useful too. .
I would also advise getting a casio fx990 calculator. They are approved by universities but they have functions that far supersede regular calculators. They are not programmable but extremely useful as you can check any answer to see if it is correct.
For instance you can calculate 3 x 3 inverse matrices. .
I've got this one and I love it!
It's also pretty cheap