Im having trouble getting my camera in focus after attaching it to my telescope. The scope is an orion 130st, adapters are universal 1.25 inch camera t adapter, and a t-EF adapter for the camera.
I put the eye piece into the 1.25 inch adapter, threaded that onto the t-EF adapter and mounted in on the camera. I put the open end into the the eye piece hole on the telescope and played with the focus adjust. From what i could tell, the focus adjust couldnt get the camera close enough to make the image in focus.
I unthreaded the eye piece holder of the telescope, making the hole bigger, and lowered the camera into the hole on the side until it was in focus.
What am I doing wrong? How can i get my camera in focus?
I have a 10” collapsible Dobsonian made by Sky-Watcher and I’m using a Nikon 5600. I’m not sure if I have to turn in or turn out more as no matter how much I focus in or out, it still shows the same circle of light, just bigger or smaller. The way I have it set up is: Dobsonian —> t-adapter —> t-ring —> Nikon 5600.
This is the t-adapter I bought from Amazon:
Celestron 93625 Universal 1.25-inch Camera T-Adapter
And this is the t-ring I also bought from Amazon:
Celestron 93402 T-Ring for 35 mm Nikon Camera (Black)
I have an old basic go to scope from Mead. I believe it's a 4.5" Meade refractor. I bought this eyepiece adapter for it but my Olympus micro4/3 camera needs to be closer zoomed in. I mean it needs to be closer into the scope. The focus knob needs to be more screwed in. I need less throw on it.
Celestron 93625 Universal 1.25-inch Camera T-Adapter
I don't know how to describe it. I need the focus point less deep than this item allows. Do they make things like this?
Looking for a telescope adapter for my Canon t3i. There are a number on Amazon but they all have comments about not fitting well on the canon body.
A Celestron one might be the best of an iffy lot
Any solid suggestions?
Hi all,
I’ve had a Skywatcher 130/900 telescope for a few years now, and have been using it casually whenever I could. Recently I’ve been interested in photography, first starting with a second hand low-end Nikon D3000, and now a higher-end D7100. By browsing here and there, I realized that it might be feasible to mount my camera on my telescope. I’ve been googling, but some questions remain :
What can you guys tell me about that ? Am I confusing things ?
From there, I experimented with my camera to get a very rough idea of what I could get by mounting it on the telescope. I removed the lense from the D3000 and manually adjusted it on the telescope, with no eyepiece mounted. Yeah, I guess it’s not a good thing to do since the telescope’s viewer may touch some moving parts inside the camera, which is why I didn’t try that with the D7100. It looks like this. The pictures I took were ok, but I noticed I could not focus correctly on far objects. The camera would need to go closer of the center of the telescope. I was thinking, with a T-ring and possibly the 1.25-inch T-adapter, I’ll be even further out, so not good. So my question is, do I need another component in this assembly to be able to focus correctly ? Or is there something that I didn’t think of that would make it work anyway ?
Feel free to give any advice or ideas.
Thanks !
Would you guys recommend this adaptor for mounting a camera to this scope? Would that give me focused images or would it depend on the camera at that point?
So last Christmas I got a small Orion which I love. It is a good starter scope. However I have been wanting to get into taking pictures so I just recently bought the following two items (T adapter, T ring) to hook up my girlfriends's Canon 7D EOS camera. It fits ok but I can't really use my 10mm or 25mm lenses with the adapter, just the Barlow 2x. I can BARELY fit the 10mm lens in the T adapter and screw the T ring on but it isn't a good thing. It interferes with the camera shutter and it's a PITA to find anything with the 10mm lens through the camera viewfinder. What else do I need? Do I need to get special lenses or a different adapter? HALP!
Here is what I captured last night.
I think a webcam is the way to go for scopes this size. I've tried a dslr on my Nexstar 4se which is a go-to, but it didn't go so well. However, I didn't try to do planetary work with... Hmmm. That being said, I think you'll need to have the go-to version of the etx90 in order to pull it off without pulling your hair out. There are two types of adapters that would work for it and one is reasonably cheaper than the other. For example:
This one for Prime Focus shots:
The latter version would definitely need to have your scope tilted like this so that it doesn't slam into the mount.
The first version just goes right into the eyepiece slot. Basically, I think the webcam would keep you from pulling your hair out. Also, you'll get to utilize Firecapture, which has an digital center thing that really lets you get away with some bad alignments. Anyways, I'd be curious to see what you'd be able to pull off! Feel free to shoot me some questions if you decide to give it a go and run into snags.
compared to the cost of the telescope/ camera it's peanuts.
Other people chime in for better suggestions!
So you take off the camera lens and put one of these t-rings on instead. If you have the field flattener, you screw it into the ring and then that setup into the telescope and tighten. If you don't have the field flattener, then you screw a t-adapter into it and then the whole thing into the telescope and tighten. You'll want the 2" version of the t-adapter for more view and less issues with the image, but I couldn't find one after a brief search.
I don't use a different focuser than the one that came with my Orion ED80T, it's probably the same one, not sure. Eventually you may want to get into a motorized focuser.
You'll also want an intervolameter to allow your camera to take longer exposures as your mount follows the object in the sky, in addition to delayed shutter so you don't need to worry about shake when you push the camera button to take the image.
Hey! Thanks! Here's what I used to mount the camera: and nothing special, didn't even use a barlow lens for any extra magnification. I just had about 15 minutes during the crappy superbowl half time to play with the camera and caught this. I put the camera on a timer countdown so it wouldnt shake the telescope by pressing buttons. That's all it took.