They're worth far more. Out of curiosity, where'd you pick yours up?
You'll be able to see a spot of slight discoloration where a weld covers the set screw that holds on the fake can. Stick it in a vise, and use a dremel grinding wheel to shave away the weld until you get to the allen head screw, which should come right out. Then, you just have to unscrew the fake can, which required some vise grips in my case.
Wear a full face shield! I had a grinding wheel explode on me, and it left a good sized dent in the shield right where the bridge of my nose would've been.
If you want to use the 1/2x20 tpi threads, clean them up with a die like this one and then get a thread adapter.
Triple K makes kinda ugly repro mags, that do work.
Yeah, I was also surprised when I searched for mags and the first result was Triple K.
Removing the fake can sounds quite doable. It looks like I can get a die for $6 on Amazon, but I certainly appreciate the offer.
I recently got a threaded S&W 41, but I'm jonsing for another small .22 host to go with my Bersa.
I also just grabbed one of those surplus Jerichos from AIM, so I'll probably let my finances bounce back before I grab one of these little Berettas.
Gun addiction is a disease.