The correct answer is cooktop cleaner and a razor. I was hesitant at first for fear of scratching, but it works well. Also, be careful with abrasive cleaners. Scratches on the cooktop will not improve.
Looks like burned-on overflow from pots and pans. I have the same type of stovetop and get similar rings, and Cerama Bryte works phenomenally.
I use cerma bryte and the rough side of a sponge. After you scrub it in and wipe it off, the stove top will look as good as new. Once it dries stains will be visible again, but nothing more than typical wear and tear.
single edged razor scrapes off most, the rest you polish off with "cerama bryte"
I purchased this kit on amazon for $10:
The doohickey is basically just a razor blade with a handle.
Cerama Bryte is what you want, as safely cleaning glass cooktops is exactly what it is made for. Here's a kit that has all you need, including the scraper:
Use this. It’s made for glass stove tops and it’s on sale. Cerama Bryte Cooktop Cleaning Kit
I've had good luck with Cerama Bryte. Have also heard good things about Weiman Glass Cooktop Cleaner and Polish.
Try this. Cerama Bryte Cooktop Cleaning Kit
Yeah, just use it and this will probably mostly disappear. I like ceramabryte
You can just buy the cleaner on its own, I can vouch for its effectiveness
It’s just buildup on the glass. You should use something like this:
Cerama Bryte 27068 0, 3 Piece Set
This should do the trick. Cerama Bryte Cooktop Cleaning Kit
This little kit for about $10 is great!!