If you really are interested you should read a book called Certain Samaritans, I think you will like it.
I understand what you are saying and I do agree with you about nothing to do with US, all I am saying is we (Greeks) have been abandoned and basically backstabbed before and we managed. We will do it again, even if it means having to get rid of these migrants by deportation.
Also, so you know in WWI it was not as minuscule as you are making it, it was a migration of EPIC proportions in comparison to what our population and land was capable of sustaining at the time, not to mention loosing Greek territory and all the casualties, and the massive betrayal by the allies and abandonment.
If you have time, try to read this book, it is an unbiased, eye witness account of what exactly went on during that time. It will shock you but you should know it because it is our history.
Online version, go all the way to bottom for next page link to start Chapter 1.
The Arminian and Greek genocide is the proof you need. The Arminians particularly were refugees sent on a death walk. They were supposed to be taken to a camp, or another town, but instead were walked to death and systematically killed! After WWI the Greeks in turkey were forced to leave, as they were attempting to do so they would fall pray, to killings, rapes, and other fun and exciting turkish pastimes!
If you would like a Historic eye witness non-biased read, get this book!
or you can read it online Here:
Here is a quote:
Author Esther Pohl Lovejoy was President of the Medical Women's International Association, 1919 to 1924, President of the Medical Women's National Association, 1932-33, and General Director of the American Women's Hospitals' service from 1919 through the time of publication of this new revised and reset edition. She was in Geneva attending a conference when the Smyrna fire started and was dispatched immediately by the American Women's Hospital. In her book titled Certain Samaritans, she recounts the barbarous treatment of the Christians of Smyrna by the victorious Turkish forces in September of 1922.
"Night after night blood-curdling shrieks, such as Dante never imagined in Hell, swept along that ghastly (Smyrna) waterfront. From my room-mate I knew what these cries meant. When the Turkish regulars or irregulars, under cover of darkness, came through the ruins to the quay for the purpose of robbing the refugees or abducting their girls, the women and children, a hundred thousand or more in concert, shrieked for light, until the warships in the harbor would throw their searchlights to and fro along the quay, and the robbers would slink back into the ruins."
"The greatest crime against humanity with which I am personally familiar was committed on the Smyrna Railroad Pier during the last week of September, 1922, and consisted in the separation, by military force, of the members of all the Christian families. At every gate during the daylight hours, this atrocity was conducted systematically. As family after family passed those gates, the father of perhaps 42 years of age, carrying a sick child or other burden, or a young son, and sometimes both father and son, would be seized. This was the climax of the whole terrible experience for every family. In a frenzy of grief, the mother and children would cling to this father and son, weeping, begging and praying for mercy, but there was no mercy. With the butts of their guns, the Turkish soldiers beat these men backward into the prison groups and drove the women toward the ships, pushing them with their guns, striking them with straps or canes, and urging them forward like a herd of animals, with the expression, "Haide! Haide !" which means "begone! begone !"
--- Esther Pohl Lovejoy MD (Certain Samaritans Ch XVII, 1927)