!! I had no idea it came up in searches at all....oh my gosh thank you so much for letting me know!!! ((and thank you!!! I just really love cosplay ><))
It isn't aluminum--it isn't even metal at all! It's just a cheap plastic bat like you'd use for kids or a costume. This is the one I ordered. I'm sure you could find other similar ones, though, especially if you need a specific size. What I did was sand down the seam in the plastic so it was totally smooth, spray paint it silver, and then wrap the handle in electrical tape. While I'd love to have an aluminum bat for him, you can't bring any weapons or props made of metal into conventions, so this is the safest option. Although a little bonus to spray painting it: as it gets beat up over the year, the black base shows through and looks like scuff marks. I didn't plan it but I like it anywho XD
so does it need to be a REAL bat or would plastic work ?
https://www.amazon.com/Champion-Sports-Lightweight-Plastic-Bat/dp/B000KA6JFK/ref=lp_3396131_1_2?s=team-sports&ie=UTF8&qid=1572398344&sr=1-2 this one is 31 inches
this one is plastic and you could easily lightly sand the bat to take the white off
also this one could be sanded with light sand paper and it would look just as good
here is a all black bat at 32 inch
but its out of stock and you might be able to find it else where
its about all i could find , sorry