For the uninitiated: do not read Helter Skelter, read Chaos by Tom O'Neill instead. In Chaos, Tom O'Neill proves that a bunch of Helter Skelter is inaccurate.
You should read Chaos.
It makes Vince sound like the last two sentences of Audriannacu's comment are about him instead of Manson.
I respect the hell out of Vince as a prosecutor and after reading Chaos I am also glad I never had to deal with him on a face-to-face or daily basis.
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties
Its about Charles Manson and CIA experimentation with LSD. Tom O'neill spent 20 years following an evidence trail that basically ends with "The CIA willing and knowingly let a murderer out of prison multiple times so he could test LSD on unknowing people." It's fascinating stuff if you look into it; if you like reading I sent you his book on Amazon.
Can’t see Haight & Ashbury and not think about the crazy LSD experiments being run by the govt out of it. This book was a wild read.
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties
This is a good sleeper. It actually explains why black communities were so disenfranchises by drug use and explains that the CIA knew exactly what they were doing pumping crack into the streets. It's a good dad book
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties
I can't believe this wasn't posted already. Check out the book Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties. I first heard about it on a Joe Rogan podcast of all things. I speak as a skeptic of just about every conspiracy theory out there (JFK and Epstein are a couple I'm still not sure on). But to hear the author (Tom O'Neill) talk about his findings and research, I'm sure there's something here.
It's about this secret CIA program of the 60s known as Ultra (and a couple other programs as well), that purported to be able to create Manchurian Candidate-style sleeper agents, and that Charles Manson may very well have been one of their best experiments (though none worked out that we're aware of). There's a lot to this story, and if you won't read the book, at least listen to the podcast. Fascinated me for every second.
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret
History of the Sixties
Send me a list. Here’s your first: Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties