Columbia Bugaboo LT jacket is what I wear and its liner is basically a nice fleece jacket with insulation. Get a face mask like this for those hellishly cold days and I would recommend some LL Beans boots, that is a company that knows wtf theyre doing when it comes to winter boots and quality. Get a good pair of gloves and glove liners (like thin underarmor gloves that can fit inside bulkier gloves.). You should be set from there. Now if you want to go a bit further, flannel lined jeans are a massive help! Also dont forget wool socks but thats just common sense. Dont cheap out on the things that separate you from the ground, the ground will leech the heat right out of you.
It's not too bad if you dress for the weather. You just need to know that the walk/bike is going to take longer in the winter than in the fall/spring, and you should be fine. Also, wear gloves and one of these things during the winter/at night, because your fingers/ears will get extremely cold while biking if you don't.