Another version uses:
Smells like hot death. Spray at 1ounce/gallon. Do not spray on anything you'd eat. Spray on all the things to include bushes, plants, and the house. 100% death to all the things.
Suspend sc or Talstar p from
mix in 1 gallon sprayer or use hose attachment from chapin
or complain to HOA that they are not doing enough-- and they will hire team to spray.
This is the cast iron pan of sprayers. If you buy this and use it once, you will send $5 for a beer within the week.
I would buy this
Chapin International G362 All Purpose Hose-End Sprayer, 1 Pack, Translucent White
And get some black dye like this
All-Purpose Liquid Dye
Dilute it with water, then put it in the spray bottle
I'd take the soft top off the Jeep and spray it with the dye.
I'd do a couple coats. I'd start off with the dye being super concentrated, then add making the mix more concentrated with every coat until I had the mixture I wanted.
Tape and plastic is your best friend to not dye the windows.