What is your distinction between 'personality disorders' - some kind DSM talk (guys who make their money tagging customers with this or that one, then putting 'em on some prescription and going "NEXT!") - and CHARACTER DISTURBANCE?
Character disturbance is neither diagnostically obvious - one reason why the first major book on psychopathy was title THE MASK OF SANITY (and ancient wisdom texts harbor lines about 'wolves in sheeps clothing')
And 'personality disorder' schmisorder - the might hold DSM pages in place for career practitioners prescribing meds. But "the phenomenon of our age" (as recognized by Geo Simon, PhD specialist) happens to be character disturbance:
Character Disturbance: The Phenomenon Of Our Age (2011) www.amazon.com/Character-Disturbance-phenomenon-our-age/dp/1935166336
And In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People (2010) www.amazon.com/Sheeps-Clothing-Understanding-Dealing-Manipulative/dp/1935166301/ref=pd_bxgy_img_sccl_1/140-5726994-2068153?pd_rd_w=STc0O&pf_rd_p=6b3eefea-7b16-43e9-bc45-2e332cbf99da&pf_rd_r=YRQMBTAYFBWJQSHG75PY&pd_rd_r=55f1a921-e855-441b-ad02-5940288623fd&pd_rd_wg=23hkv&pd_rd_i=1935166301&psc=1
And exacerbation even induction of psychopathy and other little-understood disfigurements of temperament just so happen to be among the deepest, darkest and dirtiest little secrets about what psychedelics do and have been doing over decades - ever to be systematically kept by a pack of ... well, let's not characterize the pack - ever since the mid-20th C Advent, now going Round 2 - since the Onset of 2006; like something that was in remission for years showing up again in new X-rays.
Dec 2, Y2K22 Boyfriend became abusive on LSD trip - u/Playful_Product2126 - OP wonderfully exemplifies the deeply ingrained, perilously innocent usage of the word 'charismatic' to mean charming - like Prince Charming.
As if 'charismatic' were a personality characteristic and from values assessment - of 'good' kind socially (not 'bad').
Charisma is something people will like and be attracted to.
Rather than technical meaning as found in clinical studies (e.g. 'charismatic cult leader'):
'Charisma' is psychological power applicable not upon oneself within - but over others who don't have it (as wielded by one who does).
Innocently liking such 'charm' the general public envying it and wanting to be 'seduced' - likewise knows no distinction between 'personality' (the easily observable part of ze psyche) and what underlies it - out of sight, concealed in depths beneath - 'character.'
Per George Simon PhD, setting aside the DSM with its panoply of 'personality disorders' - all pigeon-holed in fogbound diagnostics (the better for career practitioners to ply their psychiatric services):
CHARACTER DISTURBANCE: THE PHENOMENON OF OUR AGE www.amazon.com/Character-Disturbance-phenomenon-our-age/dp/1935166336
The Character Disturbance Spectrum, Dr. George Simon - www.drgeorgesimon.com/the-character-disturbance-spectrum/
OP - in reply to typical 'advice' (as solicited, so elicited):
> He always goes into trip stone cold... Just a cold person.. feels somewhat calculating? Or its just my insecurities 🤔
The inborn basis of what develops into 'character' is known as temperament, or disposition.
The obvious differences of disposition between one newborn and another are striking. In a modern society whose teachings have long since departed from the wisdom of indigenous societies - they have become a typical occasion of puzzlement by parents who directly observe one of their bundles of joy comes out naturally fussy, easily upset (strong willed perhaps inclined to tantrums) yet another is seemingly calmer by inclination 'right out of the gate.'
As though such newborn difference so undeniable are in default of what 'everybody knows' - that babies are like blank slates, created roughly equal - and personality takes time to develop.
How can there be differences of infant disposition as obviously there are - when 'everybody knows' that's a personality trait, and personality isn't inborn?
It takes time to develop, and whatever shape the personality will take is dependent upon all kinds of nurture and environmental inputs - not just nature.
Simon draws interesting comparisons for character disturbances based on direct observation and study. Especially a contrast between what he recognizes as a 'hot blooded' tendency (toward explosive anger, intimidation tactics of covert manipulation) and a cooler 'cold blooded' one more calculating that doesn't tend to get bothered by much. He distinguishes the latter as (more specifically) psychopathic - but places little emphasis on labels.
Discussion with Lisa Alastuey (also excellent) Manipulators and Disturbed Characters www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsWdaJFwDjQ&t=597s
> A colleague of mine [notes] the difference between the garden variety antisocial, criminal type personality, and more predatory psychopath or sociopath – is the difference between the hot-headed rebellious teen who has never grown up, and the cold-hearted conniver, predator or abuser.
> They’re two very different people.
> For a person with an incessant craving for excitement, no scruples, who uses and abuses people at will and delights in it - to be conceptualized by a therapist as necessarily a person with a ‘fear of intimacy’ is a big problem... … these old notions have so disadvantaged us.
> Unfortunately - it takes a lot of astute discernment to figure out not only how to intervene, but whether any of the typical interventions we use are likely to be effective - because of the times that we live in, the vastness of character dysfunction is so great, and the variety of traits and characteristics contributing to it so varied and so difficult to fully comprehend .
> (~ 19:00) Every time I hear someone on tv talking about a clearly, blatant grandiose narcissist – how thin skinned and sensitive, how fragile their ego...
> It’s not that they don’t apply sometimes… We used to be in times where neurosis was much more prevalent. People were dealing with conflicts of conscience…
> Now we live in different times.
> There has been a slow, steady, gradual cultural shift toward narcissism, entitlement, egocentricity, hedonism, instant gratification – there have been all these factors contributing to our unhealthy development and character…
> It happened to us slowly and incrementally.
> The helping industries have barely been able to keep up.
> The diagnosis [psychopath or narcissistic personality disorder] … is very unreliable.
> The closer you look at the spectrum, the more vast it is... I really do think that the scourge of our age is character disturbance. It has to get better but how? ... We have millions of rules on the books already. You know what? People of impaired character do not pay attention to them - you can punish them all you want.
> ...there is still rampant dysfunction on the streets. And even that doesn’t begin to depict the amount of character disturbance that is more subtle - that destroys marriages, wrecks lives of children.
> There is so much dysfunction out there. And we have all these rules and procedures, and they haven’t saved us.
www.amazon.com/Character-Disturbance-phenomenon-our-age/dp/1935166336 CHARACTER DISTURBANCE: THE PHENOMENON OF OUR AGE (2011) by George K. Simon, Ph.D. (Simon earned his degree in clinical psychology at Texas Tech University, and has been in institutional and private practice for thirty years)
Dr. George Simon on "Character Disturbance: The Phenomenon of Our Age" - www.youtube.com/watch?v=kegc-NGwcEY
Grinspoon & Bakalar (1979) PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS RECONSIDERED: < [some] LSD users ... express aggression ... resentment of challenges to his unjustified conviction of superior awareness and moral insight (Blacker et al. 1968... McGlothlin 1974b)... Barron et al. (1970) tested and interviewed twenty psychedelic drug users... seventeen of the twenty functioned poorly ... were said to exhibit character disorders and... described as passive-aggressive. > pp 177-179
Steve Smith, MKULTRA-Linked Human (Psychedelic) Experimentation And Torture At Penetang Hospital, Oak Ridge (Nov 2017): < Who holds responsibility for crimes committed by people that went through this [LSD ‘treatment'] program, when [it’s] clearly statistically proven people that went through this program committed serious crimes?... And are they still doing it? How successful were they? Is that why today you see so many more clearly psychopathic people attacking people, doing all kinds of horrendous crimes? Believe me, these crimes that people were locked up for in Oak Ridge back in the '60s were extraordinarily rare. There wasn't a lot of child murderers. The few that happened historically are pretty well documented. It was nothing like it is now. I think everyone is clear that psychopaths are among us and probably more than ever in positions of authority because the experiments from the '50s, '60s, early '70s were so damn successful, now we're swimming in the results > http://archive.is/E4xeG#selection-1003.442-1009.615 (Note: Smith voices skepticism about concepts of character disorder; which played a 'psychedelic theorizing' role apparently in the 'mad science' of Dr Barker & Co, who experimented on him at Oak Ridge)
Mike Wise (Nov 2019) The ’60s tore my family apart < It’s long past time to bury [the psychedelic 60s]... Those years left deep marks on our culture while still leaving us in a perpetual daze about their exact meaning... Leary thought so much of LSD’s benefits, he encouraged “spiritually ready” parents ... to share acid’s mind-bending experience with their children. One night, that’s what my father said my mother wanted to do... After CIA heard in late 1940s the USSR was ramping up efforts to produce LSD... Allen Dulles, then the agency’s director, approved a program called MK-Ultra. The goal was plain: Beat Stalin in brain warfare. But the testing to determine whether [LSD] could be used for interrogation, brainwashing or worse ... was downright cruel and sinister. The late Boston crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger became one of MK-Ultra’s earliest test subjects when he was incarcerated ... 1957 ... forcibly injected > www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/11/14/s-tore-my-family-apart-acid-made-it-worse/?arc404=true
Robert Hare - leading authority on psychopathy (like the "10" on a 10 scale of character disorder): < In regular circumstances [i.e. minus psychedelic 'help'] 60% of high-scoring psychopaths released into society go on to reoffend. But 80% of the ones who’d been through [Barker's] naked LSD encounter sessions had reoffended. It made them worse. And it was not because it just made them madder, as I first thought. [It was] because it taught them how to fake empathy better ... made them more adept criminals. > http://archive.is/SxnlF#selection-1035.0-1051.159
Dateline r/psychonaut June 30, 2020 Is it rude to challenge someone’s beliefs about their psychedelic experiences? Psychonauts Themselves Address The Burning Question with such answers elicited, as solicited by OP u/an-incomplete-userna - < If someone has an idea about existence.... from an intense trip, am I an asshole for questioning it. Not the experience, just the determination [i.e. belief or opinion chiseled in 'psychonaut stone' now more true than fact itself]. An example would be someone saying they know God exists based on a trip they had. If I ask what about the trip makes that true, would you say I’m trolling that person? www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/hiev5x/is_it_rude_to_challenge_someones_beliefs_about/
But what if it's not nice to ask whether it's rude to ... etc? Suppose it flunks 'community' ettiquette to ask whether it's rude to challenge someone's beliefs - a question tantamount to the very challenging it presumes to be inquiring about.
Is there a standing carte blanche Mother May I 'permission' status for even asking about asking certain things, apparently sacrosanct - 'off limits' to 'challenge'?
> I often see people attacking people verbally because of a slight difference in opinions, or people being really hurt and defensive for being criticised, even if it was in a constructive and nice way.
For anyone ISO good news to redeem 'community' - good news:
Every cloud from the least threatening to the darkest, most ominous and downright malign - even as it spreads it shadow - has a silver lining. Any curse is really just a blessing in disguise. And visual acuity can be unforgiving, it's hard not to notice some things especially when seen.
Wish as one might, with all one's might maybe even ruby slippers - sometimes there's just nothing wrong with the eyes.
That's why horses might need blinders. Not everything visually detectable is such a savory sight to see. And the antisocial 'community' pattern does present the type observations an OP can make, as listed - with all express qualms and concerns they raise.
Now (all that notwithstanding), good news. Apparently there's no need for an eye doctor visit. Nothing wrong with OP's antennae, nor any need to 'adjust the picture.'
Likewise for heebie jeebies stirred by such dire 'signs of the times.'
Anguished gestures to try squaring 'with community' the circle of its contradictions - seems only logical (by ecce homo principle) for one of 'community' identification and hope - but unable to blink away en toto what meets and greets the eye so consistently and concertedly 'where seldom is heard a discouraging word.'
Especially when the 800 lb gorilla in the 'community' room is right up close breathing in one's face 24/7. Always there as needed, whichever way winds are blowing.
Whether in defensive action against violations of teachings that may not be challenged, issuing citations on 'patrol duty.' Or on offense as preferred, having the serve to make the first move - taking the lead to generously 'share' and giving the cue for whoever else to take. And (where skies are not cloudy all day) going out on parade (not patrol) the better to show off all latest fashion - stylishly imperial (college london?) new 'research' robes.
Ideological extremism desperately seeking power is nothing new under the sun, it's of auld acquaintance. It's nothing remotely unique to the psychedelic movement either, regardless how splendid an example for study it presents
Any fanatic cause is liable to display self-righteous indignation at any hint of criticism - even get a little 'angry' (per observations reluctantly made).
And it doesn't matter how 'nice' the criticism btw. But no need to take my word for it. Ask your friendly local neighborhood radical jihadist - not in a mean way, be nice about it.
Internet makes a fine scapegoat for almost any occasion or need, it's in easy reach topically and so 'safe' (can't hire a lawyer to sue for defamation).
And if internet isn't the cause of psychedelic-induced (or amplified) character distemper sociopathology ('the phenomenon of our times') - in reality - at least psychedelics didn't invent human nature where man's inhumanity to man originates.
Psychedelics aren't the root cause of 'the Unspeakable' (Thomas Merton's choice term for it) they're only 'nonspecific amplifiers' of it.
And no matter how glaring a psychosocial feature character disorder is in 'community' - so characteristic and constant, once noticed it can't be unseen in any direction (at any range) - good news.
Character disorder is merely however severely 'occasioned' - not 'caused' - by psychedelic effects, in the contemporary i.e. 'psychonaut community' (aka Renaissance) context.
I think it's easy to make judgment calls about other people's life over the internet, to be completely honest with you. I do not betray a lack of empathy over another man or woman's dilemma, and I do not think I am guilty of any sort of crime by posting here and pleading my cause publicly.
I have heavy police involvement in my life, that is a real fact. Obviously there's something going on. I'm not here about me, I'm here about the victims of electronic harassment and gangstalking. Again, before one says anything too rashly, I feel the best thing to do would be to keep an open mind because we could all be wrong about anything we put in writing on the internet. The truth of the matter is your judgments over another man or woman's life, not knowing them, do not stand. On the internet, or not. I've been dealing with people like you and responses like this ever since I started getting gangstalked, sometimes waves of 'em. It betrays a lack of empathy on your behalf, and contribution the degeneracy of a community who should be looking out for eachother.
I speak out of authority on this subject, and in force. You hear this from me, now. I'd rather you hear this from the man or the woman who is not able to defend themself against spiteful arrogance.
Here is some more educational material on dealing with abuse which would be good for this thread, and good if any other Targeted Individuals here in town come across this thread: http://www.manipulative-people.com/manipulators-can-make-you-feel-crazy/