Anybody have ideas for how to rig up (or buy... but I can't find much) a portable battery to charge at a standard power outlet and that can be used to charge laptops and usb devices?
I found this, but it's pretty expensive.
I need it so I can charge it up at home and take it on a camping trip to charge stuff (including a laptop, I'm afraid). There seem to be cheaper options, but I'd need the amp-hours that this one provides. Oh, and the computer uses 18.5 V dc @ 3.5 A - 65W. I might not be understanding the AC/DC stuff properly.
I'm using a Gimido e-nail successfully with this battery pack. I have the 24,000mah one so that should work too. Since it maxes out at 85W it'll just heat slightly slower, keeping the e-nail on at 600F kept it going for nearly 3 hours before the battery died.
If you build it yourself, makes sure to get high drain batteries, something like the LG HG2 3000mah would probably be good.
I personally use for my SP3 and it works perfectly.