I've had good results with this product. Very easy to apply. Haven't left any swirls in a black painted ford. I'll use it alone for just dusty/mild dirt. If it's muddy or gritty, rinse with water only first. I used it on my new white Y after driving it home 100mi from pickup. Worked well to get all the road dirt off.
Love the brush and sky in the background, are you in the Sierra Nevada's or Arizona?
I started using this stuff and it is incredible; so fast and uses no water, the best car care product I have ever used.
Well it's not strictly waterless; it just doesn't require buckets or a hose. There are a few different brands; what I used is Chemical Guys EcoSmart. Seems to work fairly well; I use a pump up chemical sprayer to dispense it. You then use microfiber towels to wipe it off, then a clean one to buff it.