Fellow snarkers, I just went down a brief rabbit hole into Heidi's website. I was in search of a simple answer but was easily sidetracked. Her "about Heidi" section is a poorly written, chronologically muddled and repetitive piece of trash!
It's 658 words and references her being a mother of four five separate times. FIVE! Does she think that gets her bonus points? She also claims co-authorship of Chris' NYT bestselling [book](https://www.amazon.com/Choose-More-Lose-Life/dp/140133024X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) , which does not list her as an author at all. Hilariously, the first edition is actually called "Chris Powell's Choose More, Lose More for Life" which seems to explicitly exclude any co-authors!
Nothing says bestselling author like an unreadable mess of an "about" section! Bless.
Interesting! On her website, she says she co-authored this 'Choose more lose more' book with Chris which became a NTYBS, but if you look at the actual book, there is no mention of her as a co-author. The only book where she was given credit as a co-author is the Extreme Transformation one which came out much later (not a NYTBS!).