I didn't really study that too much to be honest, but based on my understanding: Since serotonin facilitates the synthesis of melatonin during sleep, I would imagine that inhibiting reuptake would affect sleep by affecting melatonin levels and most likely negatively affect your ability to achieve deep sleep and/or transition into REM sleep. But serotonin increase during periods of wake have a negative feedback to then promote sleep. So maybe abnormal serotonin levels can make you sleepy but SSRI's can make getting good sleep harder to achieve. It would probably (read: definitely) also affect the rhythm of your sleep which is just as important as the amount of sleep you get (my studies were in biological rhythms so that seems to be what I always come back to, circadian phases and such).
This was one of my course materials that may have more information if you're interested, again I didn't focus as much on abnormal/induced chemical modulation and the effects they could have: https://www.amazon.com/Chronobioengineering-Introduction-Biological-Applications-Engineering/dp/1598296353