I mean a lot of Catholics believe in anarcho capitalism. One of them wrote a book on how the Catholic Church built the West. His name is Thomas Woods, I think you should look into him, his books, and his podcast.
Here is his podcast: https://tomwoods.com/podcasts/
He wrote a book on a catholic defense of capitalism.
Hopefully you look into it instead of being a whiny commie.
Europe is a great example, of course. Behind the iron curtain, communists imposed atheism (sometimes by imprisoning and torturing clergy to death), Christmas became "the Festival of Lights", discussing the theological part of philosophy became taboo, etc. Result: destruction of cohesion, collapse in national pride (not that there was much left to be proud of, and pride itself was outlawed for being 'nationalist'), promotion of paedophilia - actively at that, the Green party in Germany had adults diddling children to 'explore their sexuality' as part of kindergarten education, and overall the exploitation of people became easier because people are just animals, right? Fuck 'em, no big deal, nothing sacred about human life. Of course the former communists states have largely learnt their lesson, they're far more Christian than western Europe.
Western Europe, by the by, is a cultural mess. It's in full swing of demographic collapse, collapse in cohesion/trust among citizens, the past (including the Christian part of it) is something to be ashamed of so good-bye national pride, and with it personal pride (education is down-stream from this, because you can't teach the truth if the truth would result in a resurgence of pride; the education system is in consequence an absolute mess of political correctness and worshipping of the multiculti model). Gay marriage is a-ok, and what do we see pop up? Movements promoting the legalization of paedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia! Yay, doesn't that sound familiar!
The US is the same. MENA is the same too, Christianity first rose to prominence there before spreading to Europe, then they were conquered and forcibly converted to Islam: one guess as to what that did for the region's progress.
There isn't a lot of research on this, because researchers are afraid of being shunned for saying it (and they are), but Christian communities have:
better cohesion/trust between members
lower rates of mental diseases, particularly of depression and anxiety
lower rates of alcoholism and drug abuse
lower rates of violent crime
greater satisfaction in marriage between couples (which leads to more emotionally healthy children, which by extension leads to that low criminality and alcoholism)
greater longevity, because people look after each other (especially within a long and stable marriage)
Christians are also highly involved in charity and health treatment, to a degree waaaay higher than atheists; most medieval hospitals were Church-founded and led, and many still are religious institutions today
lower rates of mutilation of children needless to say; traditionally Christian Europe never developed the barbaric practice of circumcising baby boys, to say nothing of female genital mutilation (and please don't try to argue the US is a "Christian" country; it never has been and sure as fuck isn't now)
Universities developed in Europe under the patronage of the Church. US colleges are largely "secular" and if you live in the US... I don't need to tell you what the culture there is like right now, it's pathetic and regressive
And much more. I'll leave you some sources for this and others, if you'll care to inform yourself about this phenomenon further (some might seem unrelated but brave through them, they all touch on this topic):
(for the science journals, if you're not particularly inclined toward research, just scroll down to the "Discussion" or the "Conclusion" section where they summarise their findings)
Tom Woods also makes similar undertones in his writing...
Lew Rockwell is similar...
And we all know about Dr. Paul's anti-freedom views on abortion.
It seems there is a disconnect between the libertarian movement's leaders and the new followers of the movement.