>Children do deserve better than being stripped of their religious practices
That isn't what this law is for and that's not what's happening. Children are perfectly allowed to practice their religion, but the wearing of modesty garments (which sexualizes children and leads to more abuse) by children is an unnecessary imposition.
Morality, absent of religion, is simply a rational consideration of the impact of your actions on others. Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. This religious hysteria over "objective morality" and Divine Command Theory is all just noise.
The truth is there isn't a single moral act only believers can perform, and religious cannot agree amongst themselves what is moral as evidenced by the tens of thousands of different denominations that exist of Christianity alone, and all the other religions on earth. No agreement or ability to agree, nor even, it seems, ability to detect it. How then might we determine that religion contains any form of morality worth talking about that isn't already covered outside of it?
The bible, for example, contains many, many things we consider immoral today. Slavery, rape, the abuse of children, the slaughter of the unborn, just to name a few. Do these things have a negative impact on others? Just as an example, was it religious law that outlawed slavery or secular? Remember that slave owners used to sit their slaves down every Sunday and preach to them from the bible that their dark skin was a curse from their god and that slavery was what they deserved and had been ordained into. Pretty immoral if you ask me.
The nice stuff, the love-thy-neighbor stuff, is called humanism, and it doesn't need any religion, as evidenced by the fact that anyone can demonstrate those standards. The lack of religion does not automatically mean a lack of morality, and since religion did not invent but rather hijacked these standards, religion is not therefore the inventor or arbiter of morality.
Anyone for immoral Bible verses? We can start with the killing of the unborn, since it's relevant.