Mechanical here, I bought the exam reference manual (mechanical version of this ) and a few example problem sets and worked them on lunch break every day for 3 months before the test… General guidance at the time was to do that for a year leading up to it, too long in my opinion but probably depends on individual capacity and knowledge level going in…
I agree with the other poster, ask the PEs you know for advice, they should know you well enough to help you decide how you should go about studying.
Can you also quote me for Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 15th Ed
I am not in California, but I might be able to offer some general knowledge.
> It seems like California wants us to first apply and pass the PE, and then apply for the license. Should I go ahead and start filling out all my applications and get my references ready or should I wait until I've passed to do so? I plan on taking the test in May 2018.
I would be very surprised if you were allowed to take the test without presenting your qualifications. From what I've seen in other states, qualifying for and passing the test are the major hurdles. Applying for the license is just filling out another form and paying another fee.
> The FAQ regarding EITs and other states is ambiguous. My state's EIT "License" number isn't on the NCEES website, it simply says I've passed the FE exam.
NCEES is not an official entity. They will not have any information that you don't give them. You will be applying for your license through the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors. NCEES is sometimes used as a common application form (especially when PE's want to extend their licenses to other states), but each state sets their own rules, so you should default to the state site.
The state where you took your EIT should have a similar Board for Professional Engineers with your EIT number.
> My school's education is also unverified - does this matter?
If you apply to take your test through NCEES (I am not certain that it is possible to do so), then you will need to verify your education through NCEES. If you apply directly through the California Board for Professional Engineers, then they will have to verify your education.
> Do I need to apply for an EIT with California to take the exam/get the Cali PE or am I good to simply apply for the next exam available?
Your EIT should carry over from another state, although California has weird rules, so there is a chance that it doesn't. Check the Board of Engineering website or give them a call.
> What's the best study material for the PE exam? Has it changed out in the past few years like the FE exam has? I'll probably take a course since I've always found it helps. I didn't study for the FE since I was just coming out of school but I've heard the PE is a different animal.
I found the PE to be easier than the FE, and have heard the same from others. I just bought the reference manual and made sure that I was familiar with it. Careful, there are different versions for different subject matter. Make sure that you don't have to buy it twice to get everything that you want.