I just searched N64 USB controller on Amazon. This is the one I have and it feels like the my original one imo.
I used this https://www.amazon.com/Classic-Controller-iNNEXT-Joystick-Raspberry/dp/B07449HLKJ
The joystick doesn't feel like the original N64 joystick, but it still works flawlessly
I own 4 of these, all 4 still work flawlessly despite being REALLY cheap.
If the controller doesn't feel right you can order a USB N64 Controller
Pille uno en Amazon
Yeah, it's a bummer I know.
N64 is a bitch to emulate, so if you want a positive experience, PC is the way to go. Here is a controller. It doesn't feel perfect, but it certainly gets the job done: https://www.amazon.com/Classic-Controller-iNNEXT-Joystick-Raspberry/dp/B07449HLKJ/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=n64+usb+controller&qid=1617383763&sr=8-3
you know you can put your Bluetooth controller on the pc? if you like Xbox controller that's the most simple controller you can sync. if you like ps4/5 controller you can still set it up and now a days you can even find n64 controllers for usb (for emulation and switch use).
Lmao at least you're self-aware.
You do know that they make controllers that are compatible with emulators though right? Get something like this and you'd be playing like the olden days in no time.
I use a 360 controller for just about everything. (Only because I tend to not like the n64 controllers.) There are a few companies that make them but ill link for a good one i find.
Your welcome! 🙂
You can get a Nintendo 64 USB controller on Amazon for $16. I bought one and it works perfectly.
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07449HLKJ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I used this one for OOT. It's a little touchy and oversensitive, and the thumbstick definitely feels a tad cheap, but it got the job done for a nostalgia trip. Note that the cord is pretty short, I had to use an extender cable.
not wireless, though
I have a VERY bizarre, VERY specific issue that I'm trying to troubleshoot.
I recently installed Project64, and bought a USB N64 controller to try and recreate a more authentic experience. I played a few games and had a great time, but I noticed that my controller seemed to have a specific dead zone in the lower-right part of the stick that made me frustrated. (So, whenever I moved the stick to the lower-right, it would simply stop receiving inputs whatsoever. Lower-left, upper-left, and upper-right were all without issue, the only problem was when I moved the stick to the lower-right.)
Some of that controller's reviews mentioned having dead zones, so I figured it was just a manufacturing defect. So I returned the controller, and after a few days ordered another one. That one arrived, and had the same issue! (For a moment I wondered if they had sent me back the exact one I had just returned!) So I returned it and got yet another replacement, and- to my shock- this one had the SAME ISSUE! Apparently this manufacturer was the problem, as it seemed.
So, I ordered a two-pack of similar controllers from a different manufacturer. They just arrived, and you know what? THEY HAD THE SAME ISSUE. That's FIVE controllers, all with this same problem of having a dead zone in the lower-right of the control stick. At this point, I knew it had to be something else, and not just shoddy manufacturing.
So, I loaded up a non-N64 game (Dark Souls 2, through Steam) and plugged in the third controller I'd bought (the one from the first manufacturer that I hadn't yet returned). And you know what? No dead zones! I was able to move in all eight directions, no input problems whatsoever.
With this news, I found a different emulator (Mupen 64++), and surprise surprise, no dead zones. At all.
Note, I've tried other non-N64 controllers with Project 64- like my Dualshock 4 I typically use for Steam games- and there's no dead zones with that either. So that means Project 64 is causing this specific type of controller to have a specific dead zone. I tried looking for Project 64's official forums, but those have been closed, and their official Discord seemingly doesn't allow (or simply doesn't have) discussion from users.
Obviously I can just play Mupen 64++ without issues, but I'm incredibly curious as to why Project64 has this weird, specific problem. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Classic N64 Controller, SAFFUN N64 Wired USB PC G… | $13.98 | $13.98 | 4.4/5.0 |
Retro-Bit Official Sega Genesis USB Controller 8-… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
This is as closest as you're gonna get to an N64 controller, 3rd party. Just bought one myself, looks nearly identical but only has a non-detachable 5 foot USB cable so you'll need an extension.
Nintendo just started selling official N64 controllers again, but in order to buy one you must be subscribed to their online service:
Btw, Nintendo sells official controllers for NES, SNES, N64, GameCube and even Sega Genesis, since they're building a large library of retro games for play on the Switch. I'm thinking of buying a sub just for the controllers because, why not?
You can buy an official Sega Genesis controller on Amazon, as well.
Amazon has one I purchased some time ago. Works well.
>Some people are just hardware whores
"But it's illegal to play 20+ year old games!"
How will all of those devs eat from games they have no rights to and the company that made it went out of business 10 years ago...
>That's honestly the reason I haven't cared much to get a new n64. I can spend stupid money on an actual console, or I can use my 360 controller and emulate it on my pc