Look into food sensitivities and allergies.
Also, this is a great book https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program/dp/0062201662/ref=mp_s_a_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=cleanse+7+book&qid=1623915018&sr=8-14
Try eating something like quinoa instead or rice and wheat/gluten and more fruits and vegetables. Diet helps a lot with GERD
And maybe try ginger tea/ ginger water
Try to not lie down flat and relax the muscles. Keep drinking water or warm water. Maybe apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to relax the muscles.
Hope you feel better!
I’d recommend seeing a second GI, and maybe getting an endoscopy and biopsy. I would also maybe get a blood test to check your white blood cell count & sedimentation rate (checks for inflammation in the body). I would check for eosinophils, inflammation, hiatal hernia, etc
What you’re describing sounds like painful gas and heartburn. People think they’re having a heart attack when they have heartburn cause it can be that painful. It could also be a cramp or something else. Watch what you eat. #1 worst heartburn pain is from tomato sauce that isn’t all pure tomato’s etc.
NAD but I have a history with GI issues myself & I found that a food elimination diet helped a lot. I believe that everyone has food sensitivities or allergies that feeds on something in the body if they have a GI health issue. That’s what I believe. Proton pump inhibitors are great for inflammation and that may be what you need. If you don’t respond to treatment then you likely have food sensitivities.
I started getting into alternative natural stuff https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program/dp/0062201662/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=cleanse+7+book+dr+junger&qid=1622018758&sr=8-3 this is quite a helpful book if you’re interested. Written by an MD cardiologist who got into natural stuff & I learned a lot from him.
Feel good!
From a review of the "Clean" book they reference.
>What i found a little dissapointing is that the Dr. didn't add any references of medical studies of the statements he explained about so the book will have more credibility and medical support behind.
If you're not responding to medication then maybe try an alternative approach like I did for medical stuff (he must get his stuff from somewhere & i like his organized stuff)
I actually go by this guy's diet medicalmedium.com
& read this doctor's book to self help https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program/dp/0062201662/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=clean+7&qid=1623873525&sr=8-2
i've been basically experimenting on myself & got lucky with the diet stuff
I just don't eat cause i'm too lazy but yeah you should eat (don't be me)
I live in the united states & it can suck here too.
There is medication for inflammation though & then there's also diet stuff for inflammation. More severe cases I would recommend medication short term
You can try natural beta blockers like bananas & celery juice first thing in the morning and wait 25-30 min to eat or drink anything after & see if this helps?
I'm not a medical professional btw. I guess if you want to try stuff though then feel free to go for this stuff
I really hope you get better soon!
NAD so I haven't studied enough to know for sure what's going on and you need to actually be seen by a doctor. You should go to your primary care doctor. That's not great hun.
It may not be coming from the stool if the stool isn't dark. You have constipation? Is it a slight amount of blood from a sight tear? It can be other things so I would see a doctor. Quinoa actually helps a lot with constipation if you have that (it's high in fiber). Also sounds like food sensitivities. I honestly feel that food sensitives make medical issues worse or cause most of the problems in our bodies. Can you try an elimination diet? You have any pain anywhere? I would let your doctor know about any pain.
Can you try to change your diet? Less dairy and gluten! Food sensitivities are usually from peanuts, salmon, soy, dairy, gluten, More fruits and vegetables. Don't eat cane sugar lol I tell everyone this. Use honey and date sugar instead. Since you're young I felt like sharing the sugar stuff too.
https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program/dp/0062201662/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=clean+7&qid=1611897411&sr=8-3 a good book about a healthier diet
I hope you feel better!
OK, I was in a similar situation. First of all, just remember that these symptoms can improve. You just have to give it some time. The first and most important change that you need to make is to try keto diet. You can try ANY number of nootropics but nothing will improve your symptoms like change in diet would. Don't just cut off gluten/dairy/egg/allergens, make sure that you don't eat even a little bit of contaminated food. I used to think that not eating any gluten filled food is enough and yet I was struggling with brain fog. Avoiding any food even with a minor chance of contamination completely eliminated my brain fog for the most part.
Second, if you have gut related symptoms, you need to start looking at healing your gut. I think the theory about Leaky Gut Syndrome is the one that seems to be working for me. Checkout these resources:
http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info https://www.amazon.com/Clean-Expanded-Revolutionary-Program/dp/0062201662/
Search online for leaky gut and you will find more information. Your brain fog is because of neuroinflammation, the same sort of inflammation that your body is fighting against. You must and should stop the inflammation at its source, which is your gut, before trying to do any fire fighting.
HOWEVER, all said, you can take circumin for reducing inflammation, piracetam as it seems to reduce neural inflammation, iodine/selenium as they seem to help reduce the immune related issues.