Sure, one more thing, CliffsNotes is the best preparation book, specially its tips how to approach finding the best answer and the writing prompts.
I bought the guide on Amazon. It’s not an exact match but it’s a very helpful study guide and it was great test prep.
CliffsNotes CSET Multiple Subjects 4th Edition
Ah, good luck! I passed mine on my first try using this book:
Granted, I don't know if it's still applicable but the book was an "old edition" when I bought it and it worked out. It's a LOT of content, given the broad range of the test. I just sort of skimmed through the history section because I figured that part would be really daunting. Then I got caught up on math. English was already my major so I figured I'd be fine, but it turned out to be more in depth than I thought it would be. The art section, when I took it at least, was literally just "here is a painting, please analyze it" so being an English major, I went to town on that. There was a damn music section, which I was utterly unprepared for since they expected me to know how to read music. So stupid imo.
Anyway, I hope this resource helps. I gave my copy away after I passed, or I'd take pictures of the book's contents for you.