When I had my IUD, I bought a bunch of the cheapo pregnancy test strips off Amazon just for those days when I felt stressed because I didn’t have my period yet. Missed period stress is the worst. Being able to take a quick test to put my mind at ease every now and then was worth paying $7.50 for 20 strips on Amazon. Plus then you can be that friend who can support her best Judy when she’s worried she’s knocked up. “Come on over whenever; I’ve got Oreos and a pregnancy test with your name on it.” ��
No problem! I never understood why they were so expensive anyways. These are individually wrapped and have individual expiration dates on them, whenever I got them the expiration dates were always at least 18 months out, and I was pretty happy with that. They come in larger packs, and you can also buy them in combination with their ovulation kits.
ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_bU9bCbW57TG8D
They work after a certain amount of time. I (accurately) tested positive at four days late, and the women of the Baby Bumps subreddit at the time were surprised that I got a positive that early. It's recommended that you wait a week past the date for accurate results... and that's a looonng freaking week. One of the women said that she got a negative two weeks after her missed period before it tested positive.
That said, I got a bag of cheapy tests off of amazon for 8 bucks, and they're good for a long. Really helped my mental state last time I was late :)
This is what I was going to come and say - AMAZON. A friend of mine was in a similar situation last year and didn't realize she could get pregnancy tests online. These are the "Amazon Choice" ones and are cheap and prime. Decently reviewed. One of the reviewers also said it comes in discreet packaging. And even if there are a couple of duds in the batch (which I don't imagine why there would be, but you'd run that risk even in the more expensive ones) there are lots of other ones to do as well.
The biggest thing though, and I know this will be the hardest part, is to just take everything a day at a time. Right now, you can't control what's going on, but you can control your reaction. If you're not pregnant and your period is late, it could be due to a multitude of factors, not least of which is stress. Mine was late by a month and a half because of stress in school. You just don't know until you do the test or your period comes, whichever happens first. It will be ok. It may not be great, but it WILL be ok. hugs
Got a super faint line yesterday and another faint one this morning! And then I went and bought a digital test to try tomorrow because I still don't quite believe it.
ETA more info:
I was using these super cheap tests from Amazon and I just bought a Clearblue digital to try tomorrow.
I used an Ava bracelet that I bought with HSA dollars to track my cycles since last December. Except, we went to a super remote area on vacation last month and so I was unable to sync data. So I just guessed ovulation week based on previous predictions and banged it out every day for 5 days, with day 3 being the predicted ovulation on day 14, since I sometimes ovulated on day 16 or 17. We had sex twice on day 3.
I tested the day before my estimated period (cycle day 26) and got nothing. Tested the morning of my missed period and had a faint line. Tested again this morning, another faint line.
You can get pregnancy test strips really cheap on Amazon. I get these ones. Better than paying $10 for First Response anyway :P
I'm dealing with this as well, but for me I'm always hopeful I'll be pregnant. I have confirmed endo, and I've been dealing with the symptoms for 20 years, but I still get surprised at how much my pre-period issues can line up with early pregnancy indicators.
I'm surprised they didn't automatically give you a pregnancy test at the Gyn's office. I can be on my period and they'll still do it.
One thing that has helped me with the scares is getting a huge pack of test strips so that I can do one (or more) a day without feeling like I'm throwing money away. Amazon has some really good deals. (Don't forget to have plastic cups on hand too!)
Also, have you tried a period tracker app? I am currently trying both Clue and My Calendar, to see which I prefer. They can help you track symptoms as well as your period, so you can see patterns. My Calendar also tracks temperature, which is a great indicator of different stages of your cycle.
It’s very unlikely you are pregnant, but if you are, it could take as long as another full week before a test might show positive. If you haven’t already, get a package of strip pregnancy tests on Amazon, something like this
ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D9GQ89NRGCX8ZB6KDP5Y?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Then you can test every few days without spending a fortune.
I have always been a firm believer in medicine, so trusting the birth control was never my issue. Trusting myself and my body was the problem. Accidents do happen, sure, but we always hear the horror stories. And never the "everything went as expected" ones.
If you get really nervous, like I did the first month after switching birth control types, go to Amazon and buy 20 tests for ~$8. here. These always help me get peace of mind.
I've had the implant for a shorter longer for you (I think I got it in Feb) and I've experienced the same symptoms as you. Cramping, spotting instead of periods, nausea, the like. I bought a bulk order of pregnancy tests off of Amazon- they're basically just the paper strips thats inside the plastic in name brand testers and I take one every month for peace of mind.
I think your side effects are normal since they're really common among other women who've also had the nexplanon. Every woman reacts to it differently, so I wouldn't worry. :)
So, the mini pill does not consistently suppress ovulation, but nonetheless, ovulation gets suppressed. If you don't ovulate, you don't get a period.
It's totally normal to have no period at all/irregular periods when on the mini pill.
You can test monthly if that would ease your mind. Amazon sells 25 Clinical Guard tests for less than 8 dollars. Here's a link
Any Urine test will be fine. The tests they sell at the dollar store are the same as they use in doctors offices. Honestly the biggest determining factor is time past conception as HGC rises the test will become more clear. I’ve personally had great luck with the packs on amazon. You can see pics in the customer section along with dates past ovulation to give you an idea of the sensitivity, you’ll see that every day the line will get a little darker. Plus you really can’t beat the price. ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_--rGCbET36Z94
If you want the most accurate 100% for sure and earliest possible test, go to a doctor for a blood test.
The blue line tests are garbage. Although I haven't heard of the control line not appearing; I'd reread the directions. I'm pretty sure those just test to see if liquid got absorbed correctly. So it's either a faulty test or used incorrectly.
Get yourself some of these. They are dirt cheap and extremely effective
You can also get a big pack of the test strip tests pretty cheaply. They are just as reliable as the fancy sticks!
I got these ones, and I love having the option to settle any anxiety once and for all. Sometimes Ill even do 2 at once if im real nervous and want the double negative^(that way I cant worry that maybe one test was just a dud lol).
✨My friend✨ also keeps a pack of these amazon tests in her bathroom for anyone who may need it and doesn't want to go to a store.
Speaking as a woman with irregular periods, I've found Amazon's super cheap pregnancy tests very helpful. You can get 20 tests for 8 dollars plus shipping, and they work as well as the far more expensive ones.
I kind of did! It's a little weird, bc going into it I had no idea what to expect - I had been on the pill for 12 years, and prior to the pill, my cramps were debilitating, where I couldn't stand up really. I had no idea in what ways my body was different, or how it would react, so I kind of just was open and tried to pay attention to patterns. Now I get my PMS symptoms the week prior, which it was a couple days before and during, and now it's just about the week before. My nips and general breasts hurt so. bad. during this time, way more than before. I cramp maybe only a day or two, so that didn't return in full force, thankfully. Stress even on the pill was a trigger factor for my period to go off the rails, so I'm not surprised it happened this past month.
Your body might react differently to the IUD vs. other birth control, so my best advice is to start tracking or at least noticing patterns. It should get more regular the longer you have it. Also, if pregnancy scares are something you're adjusting to (it's hard to just trust something for me too, I get it) get a pack of the stick tests from Amazon like this and if you're ever scared just use one. My period is getting progressively super lighter, and I'm hoping eventually I won't have one, so that's my defense for those thoughts too. Hope that helps!
Yes. I know it's dumb, but I have never 100% trusted birth control pills. I'm moderately tokophobic, so pills alone never really made me feel safe.
I am now sterilized, but I found that buying bulk pregnancy tests on Amazon helped tremendously. Less than $10 for 20 tests, so it was incredibly affordable to take one whenever I was having anxiety about it.
I have an IUD (Mirena) and also double up by using condoms. And I still get nervous about the whole thing even living in California and not... oh idk.. Alabama
But that's about as good as you're gonna get it. What you can do to help you feel better, is use pregnancy tests once in a while. You can even buy the strips in bulk off of Amazon
OP, here is a link to Clinical Guard test trips from amazon. 20 tests for $7.29 and 25 tests for $7.99. You'll be set for a while.
I use them as do my friends, never had an issue with them (apart from when I didn't follow the directions. almost had a heart attack that time) and they're great. Simple to use, easy to discard of, easy to read.
Buy bulk pregnancy tests. You can get a bag of dip tests off amazon like these. No fancy plastic handle, so you have to pee in a cup (small paper/plastic ones which you can also get off amazon) and dip it. Whenever you have crippling anxiety about being pregnant, you have a test on hand. It's more economic than the $15 single tests too.
Having a pre-thought out apocalypse plan can be comforting too. Research the closest abortion clinic in the area, bookmark it, and make a fund ready to go. This way, no matter what happens, you're ready.
I went from the Pill (specifically Tri-Linyah) to a Mirena and I'm glad I did. I had horrible, incapacitating cramping on the Pill and that went away. I also haven't noticed any other notable side effects. Also, it's 'set it and forget it' so I don't have to worry about forgetting to take my pill.
There are some disadvantages of course. For example, I haven't had a period since I had it placed (to be fair I've always had very light, brief, irregular periods), so when I get PMS it's hard to know if it's actually PMS or pregnancy (if this is a concern for you, you might want to buy a cheap pack of pregnancy test sticks--Amazon has packs of 20 for $7.50 that are really good). Insertion isn't great. If you're sexually active, there is a chance your partner can feel the strings.
All that said, I would definitely recommend trying it for yourself. Everyone is different so your experience is very likely going to be different from mine, but you won't know until you try. I've heard more good than bad about IUDs though, especially in comparison to the Pill.
I've been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half and we solely depend on my IUD. It was a little scary at first because it seems like a physical barrier would be better, but condoms just don't feel as good.
Birth control is never foolproof. I suppose using condoms is wiser but the 0.01% risk is worth taking, to me.
You can get cheap pregnancy tests on Amazon to help dispel any anxiety you might have, since hormonal IUDs do tend to stop your period. Ultimately it's your choice though!
I ordered these ones. Tried one yesterday for the hell of it and it seems to work :P
I bought these tests last week. The reason they're so cheap is because there's no fancy plastic casing, literally just the pee strip :) There's enough tests there for over a year.
I usually don't have a period due to my birth control (though sometimes it'll spontaneously come in the middle of my pack...I don't get it), so I use these every couple of months just to make sure things are fine. My boyfriend says I'm being overly cautious, but it's easy for him to say, he's not the one getting pregnant. I don't want to find out I'm X months along and can't get an abortion...
Just take a test. Then you will have your answer and you won't need to worry any more.
There is no reason not to take a pregnancy test, assuming you can afford a few bucks for one. And they're super cheap on Amazon - here are 20 pregnancy tests for $6.95.
They're not "necessary"... just helpful. Bleeding is not a guarantee you are not pregnant, and about 20% of pregnant woman bleed during the first trimester (not counting miscarriages). Pregnant women who choose to abort often need time to find a clinic, travel to it, take time off work, and deal with waiting periods and cut-off laws depending on gestational age. Pregnant women who choose to continue the pregnancy often benefit from making lifestyle changes (saving money, eating healthy, quitting smoking, etc) as early as possible in the pregnancy. $6 for 20 months of knowing for sure that you are not pregnant is worth it to many women: http://www.amazon.com/ClinicalGuard-Pregnancy-Test-Strips-20-count/dp/B007VT2OQG/
You can also buy multi packs of tests from Amazon for cheap. Always useful for the paranoia. The exact same dollar store tests are like 89c at walmart. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_2ZURzbJTGRD89
When I conceived my second child, I was able to test as early as the first two weeks with these strips. They’re very cheap, use with your morning urine. https://www.amazon.com/ClinicalGuard®-Pregnancy-Test-Strips-Individually-Sealed/dp/B007VT2OQG
You can get a bunch from Amazon for $8 ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D9PJDH8Y3TSXEVVQ463F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yes, but mine looked very different from yours. Here's my post from when I got my BFP. The LH strips are wondfos but the HCG strips are CGs.
These are the Clinical Guard strips I purchased from Amazon, seller was ClinicalGuard too.
ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
When I was in college for engineering and working full time there was a point in time when I skipped THREE periods. Its close to finals and there is a lot going on Assuming you've been taking your birth control correctly and you said you also used a condom it is HIGHLY unlikely you are pregnant (unless he has the most stubborn sperm EVER).
Go ahead and test once a day over the next few days. If you need access to cheaper tests try Amazon. If you can't get it delivered to your house as you live with your parents ask a friend if you can send it to them.
Take your birth control as you normally would. Don't skip anything and don't go any faster than normal.
If you ARE actually pregnant you need to talk to your fiance and decide what you want to do. Either way make an appointment with a doctor or find your local Planned Parenthood and they will have the tools to help you figure out where to go from there.
I'm sorry that you're going through this, and I know its really scary. I was in your position years ago (sheltered household, self-taught sex-ed and all) and luckily I was not pregnant, but I went through the full gamut of figuring out what a positive test result would mean for my life. You've done everything in your power to prevent this and if you are pregnant it is not a reflection on you. Especially coming from a sheltered household it can be all too easy to let yourself feel like there is something wrong with you for "letting this happen" and that is just not true.
Breathe. Regardless of the outcome, you are going to be ok. You can handle whatever is ahead of you. You are strong and smart and you can handle this. And you're not alone. Talk to your fiance about this. You two are planning a life together, and life includes scary moments like this.
Edit: I just saw that you took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. Woohoo! Congratulations!
Buy these and keep them on hand. 20 tests for $8.
ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B007VT2OQG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_IxfnFbDMR4EY2
It's so worth it!! I use these.
These are the ones I bought. Will buy again when I eventually run out.