I bought clip on bangs and dyed them to my hair color very easily. Then if you hate it, want to style it differently, or want a more flattering bang, you can easily restyle it each morning and pop it on the top of your head
I'm not sure why they are telling you no to bangs, maybe it's too thin at the top of your head?
These are a similar type to what I have:
dyeable bangs on amazon
I'm not sure about the side bangs because I haven't dyed mine yet, but I have used clip on front bangs for years and years
I absolutely adore heavy French style bangs but my coarse curly hair refuses to participate. Finally found this bangs wig that I had my stylist dye to match and I'm in heaven.
But after years of darker virgin hair, what do I do with my brows? How do I keep from the blonde washing me out? Paler foundation or more bronzing?