Here is the link to the one I purchased if you’re curious! Amazon: Clone King 36 Site Aeroponic Cloning Machine
This is smart 🤔 I may adopt this for water rooting clippings! Have you tried an aeroponic cloning machine? It hangs the cuttings in an empty reservoir constantly misting them with water and hormones or nutrient solution. The misting manifold gives my reservoir the perfect, gentle heat boost too and the results are amazing for some that are difficult to root or won’t in straight water! My bucket holds up to 36 cuttings at once. I’ll attach a link to the one I bought Amazon-Clone King 36 Site Machine
I've been cloning for decades. It all works about the same. Even the cheap powder stuff you can get at Walmart or Lowes.
I bought a Clone King just this year and love it. 100% success with every plant I've tried. Cannabis has tons of roots in 10 days or less every time, and no rooting hormones (or any other amendments) needed-- just tap water. I've been cloning our shrubs lately and while they generally take a lot longer than cannabis-- 3 to 5 weeks-- I've had 100% success with every single plant I've tried to clone so far. Well worth the small investment.
I don't know what cloning method you're using but a month is way long. I haven't done 100,000 clones, but over the last 40 years, I've probably done close to 1000 and I've never had one take more than 3 weeks and 2 weeks is closer to the average and that was just taking a cutting and sticking it right in the soil with twice daily misting and a humidity dome.
This year I bought a clone king and have had 100% success and they are rooted in about 7 to 10 days, and no hormones are needed-- just tap water.
Thanks for the response! So I currently have this and my concern with the hortipots one is it looks like the same quality/type of manifold, and the one I have started to break and get clogged and generallly sucks. How is the manifold on that one? THanks!
Clone King 36 Site Aeroponic Cloning Machine
The BEST way? Cloning machine. But /u/plainbraindrain is right, you don't need to worry about cloning for a while.