I hear ya. If you did buy a second set of gear, you can always sell it to recoup some of the funds.
As much as I love playing, I'm not 20 anymore and two-a-days just don't interest me. If I'm playing a game that day, I'm not hitting up the ice again the same day. If anything, I'll spin or do a HIIT or something else that just requires workout clothes.
If you wear proper base layers (not necessarily hockey specific), they'll absorb a lot of sweat and bacteria. That'll help keep your gear at least smelling better longer and may also help drying times. Washing base layers is obviously way easier than washing gear.
You should look into a rocket dryer if space is at a premium or your dad is a stickler about clutter. Doesn't take up much space, doesn't look cluttered, and will dry your gear in 2-3 hours
Those work great; Amazon has "portable clothes dryers" that are roughly the same thing but for $50.
Get a Rocket Dryer (or better yet, a generic equivalent off Amazon), and use it to dry equipment between ice sessions. Putting on cold, wet stuff is kind of gross. Bring an extension cord with a multiplug thing on the end as well since you will likely not be changing in front of an outlet. I'd also bring a box fan to keep air moving in the locker room for the same reason.
In between ice sessions, I'd wear flip flops or Crocs if you are someplace warm enough to allow it. Your feet are going to take a beating so anything that lets them dry out and breathe will be welcome. On the same topic, make sure you have plenty of dry socks to change into for each session.
Make sure you are getting your nutrition and fluids in. Assuming this is a camp outside your home rink, you'll probably be going out for dinner and beers in the evenings, which you absolutely should take advantage of and can be a big part of the fun, but also make sure you get some electrolytes in and the like to be able to make the most of the AM.
As others have noted, don't worry about falling or not being as good as others. If you aren't falling in the drills occasionally, you probably aren't trying hard enough.
Bring a notebook for the chalk talks, and ask if presentations or whatnot are available for you to keep after the event. If they are providing feedback to individual players, pay attention because there is a good chance you can learn something as well.
Hand wash the gym clothes just enough to remove the smell and get one of these dryer to dry everything
Just to be honest: Buy a portable bag dehumidifier from shoppe or your country, believe me it will save you a lot of trouble , even with laundry viable hotels .
I recommend anyone to buy this kind of tool if you are traveling anywhere on earth.