I got a c02 mini desktop usb sensor on amazon, actually works with linux! only about $60! I have not used it yet but in testing it has worked great.
Edit Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H7HFINS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You'd be better off with both incoming and outgoing vents for airflow. You could also pick up a CO2 monitor to help gauge how your tweaks are working. I have this one (the cheapest one I found), and it definitely helped me tweak my tent set up: https://www.amazon.com/CO2Meter-RAD-0301-Mini-Monitor-White/dp/B00H7HFINS
I hear you. It was $70 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H7HFINS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00
Even though it's a low-end model it logs data over USB, so I have to hooked up to a raspberry pi feeding data to a graph. It's very handy for knowing empirically how any of my attemtps to lower CO2 actually perform.
You can use this for co2 and temps ($89):
Works on a raspberry pi, and is usb, so no breadboards needed.
I still use a dht22 for temp and humidity. My graphs show both temps because there is some deviation between the sensors. I haven't decided which is accurate yet xD
Last year (unrelated to COVID) I grabbed a CO2 monitor from Amazon (https://www.amazon.ca/CO2Meter-RAD-0301-Mini-Monitor-White/dp/B00H7HFINS)
It has resulted in me running my HRV unit much more frequently to improve air quality in our home. I have run it in our church and am currently contemplating what we can do to improve air quality in the sanctuary (we already installed a UVC lamp in the plenum and turned the furnace fans on continuous to help sanitize the air). Windows will be opened once the temperature gets a little warmer.
I thought it was strange that it didn’t exist. I finally found two reasonable ones on amazon:
The bad reviews are a little bit high, but it seems like the people that buy these tend to be hypochondriacs.
found this one, amazon reviews seem reasonable maybe (not super fraudy). Still no actual certs https://www.amazon.com/CO2Meter-RAD-0301-Mini-Monitor-White/dp/B00H7HFINS/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=c02+monitor&qid=1610760189&sr=8-7
Am running the HRV continuous now to reduce CO2. But seems might be effective in helping with flushing COVID as well.
I bought one of these CO2 monitors this spring - not related to COVID, just more interested in how stale the air in our house is. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00H7HFINS
400ppm is outside baseline, 1000 ok(ish), over 2000 and people will feel it.
We were over 1800 early May. Opened the windows and turned on our HRV on continuous low. The second image is November - windows closed, furnace running - and the HRV still on low continuous. levels are staying between 800 & 1000.
You should be worrying about CO2 as well. In concentrations of over 1000ppm it affects your brain performance, and CO2 also can be lethal at high concentration (4000ppm? Don't remember exactly).
This is cheap, but it works: https://www.amazon.com/CO2Meter-RAD-0301-Mini-Monitor-White/dp/B00H7HFINS
I calibrated it against a bunch of very expensive ones :-).
And this is pretty much the best you can buy outside lab equipment: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MB93CK8
Price of a Pawn, value of a Queen.
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I got this one from Amazon and I really like it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H7HFINS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
A hackaday project reverse engineered a low cost USB sensor. I use their examples to create the code
Which uses the sensor here: https://www.amazon.com/CO2Meter-RAD-0301-Mini-Monitor-White/dp/B00H7HFINS
:) Fellow redditor pointed it out