I don't know if it's really what you're looking for, but I've been interested in getting the Codex Seraphinianus sometime. Not your typical "story" or anything but it certainly would be interesting to run through.
My wife bought me a hardcover copy of the Rizzoli printing of The Code Seraphinius. (This one I think: http://www.amazon.com/Codex-Seraphinianus-Luigi-Serafini/dp/0847842134) It's incredible. The printing, binding, and feel of the book is stunning. I have spent many hours flipping through it already.
you could check out the Codex Seraphinianus it's a modern day invention
Limited quantities when printed + sought after art book = high prices
The local library in my area had a copy in 2014 though and I was able to check it out. It's a really interesting book to look through. Not sure I'd want to buy a copy for myself though.
Edit: TIL it was reprinted in 2013. It was released for the first time in 1981
Amazon link
I also checked abe books and ebay but all were super expensive
It is believed that the artist (or author, depending on how you classify the piece) was inspired by memories of his childhood of him paging through an encyclopedia before he was able to read. This work is created to replicate that feeling of awe and wonder produced by his experience. The early editions of the book have been sold for thousands of dollars. Attached is an imgur link with additional pictures of the book with descriptions of the believed chapter subjects as well as an Amazon link to purchase the book yourself:
Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini
Scott on Codex Seraphinianus:
>I kind of want to explain, but part of me knows that no one can tell you what the Codex Seraphinianus is. You have to see it for yourself.
Reminds me of the encylopaedia..... that one with the language and the things,....
edit: Codex Seraphinianus