On the not-fancy and cheap range; I'm about to head out tomorrow with this Coleman 8-person "Red Canyon" tent. It supposedly is 3-room but the "rooms" are just two small tarp bits you can hang in the middle.
I bought it in October of 2008. It was $80 back the so I feel it's more than earned its keep. I've re-coated it with Kiwi Camp Dry twice since then. The stakes were trash but I'm sort of used to that with any tent I've ever afforded, and lifetime better stakes for hard ground at a reasonable side-purchase to me.
This is the first big tent i ever bought and it has great reviews. Buy some seam sealer and water test it before your trip. Coleman 8-Person Red Canyon Tent,204" L x 120" W x 72" H https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000W7BHJY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ZZRQCbF1KN986
Save your self almost 200 dollars and get a coleman. I bought this one 5 years ago, it has made it through 9 festivals, at least as many camping trips, and is still 100% waterproof. No need to purchase anything extra other than a tarp to put it on if you really, really want to. It is tall enough to stand up in (I'm 6'2), has enough floor room for 2 queen size beds (3 if you put them side-by-side-by-side), has two sections that you can divide off as little rooms (comes with the dividers as well), and has an impeccable rain fly. The only water that's ever gotten in mine is from people walking in with wet shoes or leaving the door open when it starts raining.
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I'm gonna go with either a semi-large tent or this cute Listography book.
Unfortunately most of the rest of my lists are niche things, haha.
You'll be fine with just two people in one spot. We used this tent last year and it took up the remainder of the space: http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-17-Foot-10-Foot-8-Person-Modified/dp/B000W7BHJY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404665454&sr=8-1&keywords=8+person+tent.
You can run your engine but just not for too long. If you look towards the front, nearly all the cars are powering the big party campsites that arrived early for camping.
If you are just charging your cell phones, why not get a large battery pack? http://www.amazon.com/RAVPower-Lightning-Thunderbolt-Incredible-connectors/dp/B00EHEEFWY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404665544&sr=8-1&keywords=rav+power This thing worked wonders and 2-3 people were able to recharge phones for the whole trip with one. Solar chargers barely charge and are annoying to deal with.
If you want to get more fancy, you can get an inverter. I ran xmas lights in my campsite and speakers. You'll probably have to jump your car at the end of the weekend though. http://www.amazon.com/PowerLine-PowerCup-Mobile-Inverter-90309/dp/B0042X8XQE/ref=sr_1_1?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1404665802&sr=1-1&keywords=car+plug