A lot of good recommendations here but you’re not gonna get a better bang for buck than Coleman sundome. I’ve had one of these for a few years and it holds up great. Super quick and easy to set up and held up great I’m storms. If you are looking for something ultralight or for backpacking definitely go with a different brand but based on your uses this thing is perfect. I have a 6 person and I can fit a queen air mattress and a twin air mattress with our bags no problem. Should easily be able to fit your crew. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it!
It may not be what you're looking for, but I have an 8-10 person dome-top tent with a tarp-bottom in good shape. It's very much a summer-tent (great when it's hot, but zero warmth provided), but it's about 6'1" tall in the middle so most people can stand up, and is about 10' x 10' square. That said, as you're offering $50 to rent it, and I think I got it for $80 (was on clearance) at Big 5 a few years ago, I imagine you're looking for something nicer / warmer / bigger.
If you're really just needing a simple camping tent though, let me know. I would have to make sure it has all the pieces, but I would be happy to help you out if that works for your needs. Again, it does not provide any warmth, but it's waterproof and can be set up incredibly easy (can be assembled by 1 person, but only if absolutely necessary. 2 people suggested).
Found a reasonably similar product on Amazon for reference, although given the price, I would suggest that if one of you has the room to store it in the off-season, it might be better just to buy one new. That's assuming you have Amazon Prime though, and can get it in time. Otherwise check Target, they may have them on clearance for end of the season.
EDIT: Just realized you're looking for mid-september, not this weekend. If the above fits your needs, I would suggest getting an inexpensive one brand-new, as it'll give you the piece of mind to not worry about it missing pieces or leaking. Plus having one already will potentially inspire you and your friends to go camp more often next summer.
How do Coleman tents usually stand up in the rain?
I've been looking at this Coleman sundome. Any thoughts? http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-2000027927-Sundome-6-Person-Tent/dp/B004J2GUP4/ref=sr_1_1?s=outdoor-recreation&ie=UTF8&qid=1456368022&sr=1-1&keywords=tent&refinements=p_n_size_browse-bin%3A11353603011%7C11353602011
Coleman Sundome 6 is $80 on Amazon.
I'm cheap as hell and what works great for me is a Coleman Sundome with replacement aluminum poles.
For about $150 you end up with a well made tent that has aluminum poles instead of fragile fiberglass poles.
If you have the money - REI Kingdom tents are top pickings. I highly recommend it.
Otherwise - Coleman tents are a fine budget option.
$149 Kelty 6 person @ REI: 5'11" peak height.
No experience with it, and I wonder how wind worthy it is. The great REI return policy allows for some peace of mind though.
The Juniper lake you linked is only 4'2" at peak, and the 4 person Instant Cabin is only 4'10", too low for comfort imo. I think you're pretty much looking at 6+ person tents if you want to be able to stand. Maybe just a Sundome 6 would do, or Evanston 8. Both have 6' peak height.