I got this little tent kit along with the tent, and it's been pretty useful, especially the mallet and dust pan. I also got a little 2'x3' carpet from a garage sale I keep outside the tent for shoes so it doesn't get too dirty inside. I haven't used it in the rain yet, but it was pretty good venting wise! It's screen on all four sides if you unzip all the privacy flaps. Since there were just the two of us and it was car camping, I actually just brought two twin sized air mattresses with a battery powered blower to inflate them. When you're at a music festival camping for five days, you want to be comfy enough to enjoy the little sleep you actually get haha
The tent kit your referring to is this one?
I found this kit that comes with tent essentials for cheap! http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-2000016526-Tent-Kit/dp/B0009PUQ8M?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00