Car CD depends on multiple factors -
Night/Day, Weather, Type of Road, Traffic, etc...
At Home depends more on my mood or an atmosphere I'm going for.
Most reliable driving CD is Mary Chapin Carptenter's Come On Come On. - never fails to shock me that I'm so into it. Whizzing by traffic in the passing lane on the way home from buying a lottery ticket is made for I Feel Lucky, while The Bug is a salve for commute home after a sucky day at work. When you finally can't take it anymore and quit that shitty job without having another one lined up first, I Take My Chances is there for you to crank up high with the windows down. Between all those hits are enough songs about failed marriages, small towns and passionate kisses to provide the soundtrack for just about any reason you're in the car.
My most played at home is a somewhat obscure compilation CD called, The Message: 14 Jazz Masterpieces from the Affinity Catalogue. This is the CD that introduced me to classic jazz thirty years ago and it's still a go-to. There are better-mastered versions of most of the tracks out there, but as a curated collection on one CD, you won't find a better intro to the genre.