Awesome, thanks.
It now occurs to me that the item I found (and eps splitter) could actually be made into a pair or 6 pin pcie to 8 pin eps with a bit of soldering...\_1\_27?dchild=1&keywords=male+eps+plug&qid=1630279292&s=electronics&sr=1-27
Originally I ordered everything off ebay, but the power splitter seller wrote and said it was defective, so I found a seller on amazon.
CPU power splitter Price $11 +tax/shipping
The shroud and fan (be sure its sold as a kit, not just the shroud. It's loud, like an internal server fan. Price: $27
In case your k80 didnt come with a mounting bracket, you'll want to get one so you dont mess up your pci slot.
I was able to add a 2nd cpu and power the card that way until i could get the power splitter. The fan screams at 15000rpm, i tried to find an app to slow the speed down, but no luck.
Windows saw the card, but it gave a resource error in device manager. I first paired it with my gtx 1080, received the error, so I put in a AMD card, same result. Further research shows that there is a setting in the bios that needs to be configured in the PCI settings, 4g or something.
This is where i am stuck, my motherboard doesn't seem to have this setting, so I need to see if my board supports it. I have another computer I can try, but its a small form factor so I am gonna have to go Dr. Frankenstein on it.
Between work and this, i petered out and going to pick it up tomorrow.