HVAC engineer and home owner. For $2,000 I would air seal and insulate the top of your house, preferably with spray foam or dense packed cellulous. NOT only fiberglass. The right way to do it depends heavily on the kind of construction your house uses, so hire a local professional. There may be rebate programs too.
With this, you will actually be able to hold heat in the house and your existing heaters will actually help. If you can't insulate, then the situation is essentially how to hold water in a colander... You don't.
Without insulation radiation based heaters are about the only option. Move them to where you are at the time. Pick one that has a narrow reflection pattern so it puts the heat on your body.
Ah, you're right. From the way the light was shining, I thought it was one of these.
Those simple round reflective heaters are often the best, they'll direct heat toward you instead of trying to heat the entire room